Thoughts and ideas

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By reading some more on my subject, I realized that not that many textbooks are written to be understood by non-scientist people. They are loaded with complicated medical term and theories you need to have acquired beforehand. I spend half my time reading, and the other half annotating the words I don’t understand. This shows me that by wanting to write my paper in a simple for more people to be able to read it at the festival, I made a bright decision. But this week’s research also made me realized this will be a much bigger task than I anticipated. But I am happy if, at the end, at the festival, some people walk away feeling they know more without feeling they don’t have the intelligence to understand. Because it is not an intelligence question, just a vocabulary and general knowledge question.

Blog Entry #3 11-02-2022

Reading an article this week was refreshing. It was written in more general words than in scientific words. I didn’t realize how much time reading my sources would take me for this project, since it is written in medical and scientific terms, and I do not know them. I spend a lot of time doing research about my research, so I am sure to understand everything but, it takes time. Even if I don’t regret my subject and that I am still passionate by it, it does that me a lot more time that I appended.

Blog Entry #4 18-02-2022

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Since the beginning of the semester, I have gotten more precise in my writing. I have done a lot of research and found what I want to really talk about. My desire to write a paper that everyone could understand put me in a hard position in the sense that I didn't take in consideration that I also needed to take the time to understand the jargon of neuroscience and neurolinguistics. It is hard to write a paper when I am also learning the jargon and principle of a complicated subject. Until 3-4 weeks ago, I knew I wanted to talk about brain and language but did not know of which aspect of it I wanted to talk about. It all seemed so interesting. But I needed to narrow it down. My writing as been a little all over the place. I started maybe 7 or 8 different topic sentences to finally narrow it down for now 4 key point I want to talk about. I feel confident that from now on, I can build a good essay, and that, I have a solid subject.

Blog Entry #6 11-03-2022

I want to find more interesting source, but I am starting to feel like the source’s kind of all sound the same. It was to be expected, but it is more and more work and research to find good sources. I want to start looking for none-academic ones, but for a subject like this, I don’t think there is that many. So, I feel a little stuck. I am also scared that because of it, I won’t be able to write an essay that’s long enough.

Blog Entry #7 25-03-2022

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iFor my university admission, I had to write a text on how TV affected language acquisition and the brain. It was funny to be because it was a randomly assigned subject. They asked for 300 words, but I had so much to say. I was able to use all this research I’ve done during the past couple of weeks and wrote an amazing text that got me a spot in a good English course. I never thought this research would be useful in my everyday life, never thought it would be useful outside of this project. I am happy I was wrong.

Blog Entry #8 01-04-2022

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The writing part of this research paper is starting to scare me. I have all the research I need and technically I am prepared, but it feels overwhelming. At the moments, the big assignments are falling on us from left and right. I want to write the best paper I can, but I don’t know if I will be able.

On another note, I started working on note taking in my Intro to Neuroscience class, and it actually asks me to work the same areas of the brain than this research, so I have a bit of an advantage on other students. This is something I could see myself working on again in the future.

opening sentence:

It is our ability to speak languages in order to communicate that sets us apart from other species; but so few people know about this area that makes us humans.

Blog Entry #9 08-04-2022

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Reaction to Essay Feedback:

I was paired with Marie-Pier, which was funny because she is doing research that kind of oppose to mine. She argues that the critical period is kind of a myth, as I argue that the critical period is very important. I have been doing this research for 2 months now, so it was really nice to get outside feedback as I have tunnel vision when it comes to the subject. I repeated a lot of words in my body paragraphs and my citations was a bit weird according to her, so I’ll definitely look out for that when doing my final review of my essay. The few pointers she gave me were quite insightful, so I appreciate to help. I had never done peer reviewing before, so I was for sure nervous, but at the end, it was rewarding.

Blog Entry #10 22-04-2022