Tentative Thesis Statement, Topic Sentences, and Title

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Thesis Statement:

Regardless of previous research and opinions, it is clear that your age has an impact your brain’s ability to learn a second language. I will prove this by explain how languages works in the brain, showing research from the 2 sides of the matter, and explain how language acquisition differs depending on age.

Topic Sentences:

1- To begin with, we need to understand how languages function in the brain and address the evident differences between bilingual and unilingual brains.

2- Now, let's look at the hypotheses that support the idea that ageing affects the brain's capacity to absorb a second language, because, contrary to what certain some research says, it is apparent that it does.

3- Then, let's see how second language acquisition is similar to first language acquisition for younger people's brain.

Feedback: Amelie gave me a lot of feedback and advice on my thesis statement. Having missed the class on this, she was of great help and guided me through it. I thought it was very constructive. Also, the feedback given by the teacher helped me answer some question and change some word I did not how to replace. Overall, I was very happy with the feedback I've received.

Blog Entry #5

Tentative Title:

The mind games of languages: a neurolinguistic analisis of age in languages aquisition.

Blog Entry #6

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