Protected landscape area “Ziemeļgauja”

The landscape characteristic of the Gauja has formed due to the changing flow of the river. Especially it refers to the middle course of the river – Northern Gauja with the inconsistent riverbed because of the sandy soil. Forests, grasslands and oxbow lakes in the Northern Gauja valley develop a peculiar landscape mosaic. Many of the habitats found here are rare in Latvia and specially protected. Rare and endangered plants, lichens, fungi, insects and birds can be found here.

At the end of 2003, Latvian Fund for Nature launched a project “Protection and Management of the Northern Gauja Valley”. The project will last till the beginning of 2007. The aim of the project was to:

1) assign the state protection status to the Northern Gauja valley and include it in the European network of protected areas NATURA 2000;

2) elaborate a management plan for the area;

3) initiate implementation of the management plan.

In spring, 2004, the Cabinet of Ministers approved establishment of the specially protected nature territory – protected landscape area “Ziemeļgauja” (“Northern Gauja”). The area has been included in the NATURA 2000 network as well.

More about “Northern Gauja” here.