Gauja Raftsmen festival

Traditions of Gauja River Rafters nowadays

Thirty years after (in 1998) the last raft floating of the Gauja River, a small Strenči town in Vidzeme region started unique activity. Twenty men under the supervision of former rafter tied a raft and lowered it down the Gauja River for three days. It is now known as the Gauja River Rafters expedition. In the end of the expedition local government organised small festival - Gauja Raftsmen festival. Activity was supported by local community and tradition was repeated in the next year. Since then, every year on the third Saturday of the May the Gauja Raftsmen Festival takes place in Strenči. Three days before nearby the Spici bridge (Spicu tilts) log raft has been fastened together and the Gauja River Rafters expedition starts - journey down the Gauja River. The objective of rafters expedition and the festival is to maintain and popularize the knowledge and skills of the historical craft of Gauja rafters through generations. The festival starts early in the morning with conventional fair. In the morning on the Gauja riverside nearby Young oak the raft is awaited and rafters are greeted. Wide cultural program is offered all day long but in conclusion - evening music on the Gauja River and the first open-air dance at Strenči open-air stage.