Nature reserve "Sedas purvs"

Nature reserve "Sedas purvs" is almost uninhabited territory. As a result of peat extraction a peculiar cultural landscape has been emerged there shaped by peat extraction fields, irrigated manufactured part of the marsh, so called marsh ponds and narrow-gauge railway used for peat extraction needs. The Seda marsh is an international important bird area - an excellent biotope for waterfowls nesting and resting place for migratory birds in spring. Two birdwatching towers are set up at Seda marsh. One is available from the side of the Seda town - at the edge of peat extraction quarry. The other can be reached from the side of Jērcēni rural municipality - birdwatching tower at marsh ponds.

Wealth of the Seda marsh can become acquainted by passing through a walking route with total length of 12km. The route has informative stands and direction indications depicting the distance to the next indication.

Hike through the Seda marsh pedastrian route without worries with this map -

In ponds of the Seda marsh it is possible to fish, go for watching birds or boat trip and relax. Rent of boats, SUP, mobile bath barrel and filming with drone is provided by farm Laidavas in Jērcēni municipality. These activities in the nature reserve are allowed from 1st of July and disabled when water is frozen, however ice fishing is available in winter period up to 31st of March.

For detailed information about pedastrian routes:

Telephone: +371 26361362


For detailed information about farm "Laidavas":

Telephone: +371 29171961
