Gauja cultural heritage trail

Gaujas/Koivas cultural heritage paths length is 60 km. The paths one half is located in Latvia, but the other - in Estonia. Together in the path are 42 points of interest. Next to these objects there are stands with information in 3 languages - Latvian, Estonian and English.

The entire length is suitable for riding a bike, also there are 2 km long walking part in Estonia but in Latvia you can use your car to go through this path.

The landscape is covered with various signs of human activity, which are called objects of heritage culture. To what extent are we able to notice then and understand the meaning they held for past generations?

The objects of heritage culture are like a book written in the landscape, the pages of which tell us about former mill and gamekeeper sites, show us ancient roads and tavern sites, and hint at thousands of empty farms. Nevertheless, this book would remain one-sided without the background information that can be retrieved from old maps, literature and archives, and most of all heard from knowledgeable native residents. Especially this last part, as the most easily disappearing needs gathering with special care. Therefor, ask your grandparents and also parents about past times and pass on these stories to your children. This is your contribution to the survival of our culture and nation.

While adding to the treasury of nationally important objects protected under heritage conservation, heritage culture is especially valuable for the local community and the land owners. The preservation of these objects is directly dependent upon them.

The Koiva heritage culture trail introduces heritage culture more generally. It contains suggestions for the recognition, maintenance and displaying objects.

Location on the map: here

Trail map: here