VESL for

Child Development

Module 4, Lesson 5

Describe and Present a Children's Book


1. Analyze a presentation to use as a model

2. Create a visual aid using digital media to support an oral presentation

3. Present an oral report about a children's book

4. Demonstrate proficiency in using field specific terms to describe children's literature

Tell your class about a great book for preschoolers!

A. Learn how to describe and present a Children's Book

Analyze a Children's Book and then practice your understanding of children's literature.

Watch screencast of model Google Slide presentation?

B. Create your own visual aid to guide your presentation.

Study the model presentation above, then create your visual aid to support an oral presentation. Make sure you demonstrate proficiency in using field specific terms to describe children's literature.

Use the template to create your slides about the book you selected.

download icon


Download template presentation to complete this assignment:

1. Click the link to open the document Here or

2. Click "Download"

3. Click "File" then download the presentation and save it in your Google drive account, computer, flash drive, or any location where you can retrieve it electronically.

4. Open the file in Google Slides or on your computer in Power Point.

5. Fill in the presentation with your content. Have fun! You can be as creative as you like.

6. Save and Submit your assignment in Canvas for your teacher.

Note: In this assignment, you can use the template provided, but if you prefer to add your own slides, these videos show you how. Watch the following videos by clicking the "Video Icon" and learn how to make a Presentation with Google Slides.

Video 1

Video 2

C. Submit your assignment

After you have created your visual aid for your analysis of "A Book for Preschoolers", use the submissions media tool in Canvas to submit.

Find your Submission Assignment in Canvas Modules, VESL for Child Development, Module 4, Lesson 5, Activity C.

If you have never submitted an assignment in Canvas, please review the instructions here.

D. Live Presentation

Contact your instructor to organize a day and time to make your presentation.

Learn how to send an email to your instructor through Canvas using your computer or phone. Watch the following videos by clicking the "Video Icon".

Send email to your instructor with a computer.

Send email to your instructor with a phone.

If you are required to make your presentation online, here is a good tip on how to share your screen with your teacher and classmates in a Zoom meeting.