VESL for Child Development

Module 2, Lesson 1



1. Describe the importance of nutrition in child development

2. Use context clues to understand new words when reading.

3. Recognize key words in a lecture.

4. Demonstrate basic understanding of nutrition

A. Read and listen. Why is nutrition important in a child care setting?

More children are in child care today than ever before. Some spend more time in child care than they do at home. Whether they eat one or many meals a day in child care, the foods children eat should supply the nourishment and energy they need to learn and grow.

Research has shown that there are crucial relationships between nutrition and health, and nutrition and learning. Therefore, serving nutritious and balanced meals is critical for proper child care. A balanced diet has variety to ensure that your students get essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Also, child care providers are role models. They set an example with their own eating habits. Providers should join children at meal times to show how they eat and drink for good health and demonstrate balance in their food choices.

By learning healthy eating habits, children grow, develop and learn well.

B. Use a reading strategy: Watch the video presentation to learn new words with context clues.

C. Check your comprehension. Learning from context.

D. Study vocabulary related to nutrition. Learn words to help you understand a lecture.

E. Listen and take notes. Use the vocabulary you learned in your notes.

Prepare to teach small children about nutrition.

Use the Google slides template to take notes. You will submit your notes in activity G.

Template: Prepare to teach small children about nutrition


Download template presentation to complete this assignment:

1. Click the link to open the document Here

2. Click "File" then download the presentation and save it in your Google drive account, computer, flash drive, or any location where you can retrieve it electronically.

3. Open the file in Google Slides or on your computer in Power Point.

4. After listening and taking notes from the video fill in the template with the vocabulary you learned in your notes.

5. Save your file. You will submit your notes in Canvas after finishing activity G.

F. Check your comprehension. Take the quiz. You may look at your notes.

G. Use the Internet for research. Extend your learning at

1. Go online to


3. Choose a food group that you would like to learn more about.

4. Read the information. Add five interesting facts to your digital chart from activity E.

5. Submit your chart in Canvas.

After you have finished your electronic chart with your notes from activity E and your research from activity G, use the submissions media tool in Canvas to submit.

Find your Submission Assignment in Canvas Modules, VESL for Child Development, Module 2, Lesson 1, Activity G.

If you have never submitted an assignment in Canvas, please review the instructions here.

Template: Prepare to teach small children about nutrition

Good job! You have completed the lesson on nutrition.

Remember to record your progress on your checklist.