VESL for

Child Development

Module 3, Lesson 3

Apply Policies for Communication and Safety

three images of diapers, boy with shoes, candy with red x over.

Here are some common rules found in daycare handbooks:

* Shoes must be worn.

* Candy is not allowed.

* Diapers must be provided.

* Vaccines are required.

1. Which of the rules is not shown in the image above?

Unfold to reveal.

If you answered 'Vaccines are required,' you are correct.

2. Noticing Grammar. What grammar structure do the rules above have in common ?

Unfold to reveal.

They all use a form of the 'be' verb + the past participle.


1. Understand and interpret policies in a handbook

2. Apply rules and regulations to real-life situations

3. Recognize and understand how to use passive voice in formal writing

A. Read. Handbook scenarios.

Please read each scenario below and then refer to the Davies Daycare handbook to select the correct answer. Take notes of your answers.

Davies Parent_Handbook.pdf

Scenario 1.

Julia’s parents often arrive after 5:30 to pick her up from daycare. According to the handbook, what might happen in this situation?

Scenario 2.

Marco is playing with the trucks in the sandbox. Toni sees the green dump truck and takes it from Marco. According to the handbook, what might happen in this situation?

Scenario 3.

Xiaowei brings her favorite Star Wars water gun to daycare one day. According to the handbook, what might happen in this situation?

Scenario 4. Wyatt has missed 2 weeks of daycare because he was sick. According to the handbook, will his parents be able to get a refund for this time?

B. Grammar. Introduction to Passive Voice


C. Comprehension Check.

Have you . completed all the activities on the lesson page? recorded your quiz results on the checklist? understood how and why passive sentences are used?

Congratulations, now you can communicate rules/policies professionally with passive voice!