VESL for Child Development

Module 1, Lesson 4

Child Development for Infants and Toddlers

Can you describe the behavior of children in relation to their developmental stages?

At what age do children begin to take turns in games?

In this lesson you will read and learn academic vocabulary to describe the actions and behavior of a child.


1. Identify the stages of infant & toddler development

2. Recognize and use appropriate vocabulary for specific developmental stages

3. Practice skimming and scanning academic texts

A. Vocabulary.

B. Watch and listen. Reading Skill: Skimming for Information.

This lesson demonstrates how to skim text on a website for an overview of information.

C. Read. Reading for Details.

Learn about the domains of child development.

Focus Questions:

  • What is child development?
  • What are the five areas of development?
  • What are developmental milestones?
  • How can you help your child reach a milestone?

1.- Watch the video for instructions.

2.- Read about the domains of child development.

Note: Read only the content on the web page. You do not have to follow any of the links.

3.- Read and listen about the domains of child development.

Play the audio to listen and link the article to read at the same time:

D. Check your Comprehension.

Take this quiz and record the result on your score sheet.

E. Reading Skill: Scanning

Practice your reading skill here:

F. Check your comprehension.

Click and Drop

Click on the child development ability in the box to put it in the correct numerical order and category in the table below. Try until you can place each ability in the correct category in order.

  • Start with 2 months.
  • Proceed in numerical order by age across the rows.
  • Click the empty box again if you need to reset the ability.

You have completed a lesson with challenging academic vocabulary!

Please record your progress on your checklist and continue.