VESL for Child Development

Module 2, Lesson 2

Learn about Advice for Healthy Food Choices

Which are the healthiest food choices?

Where can childcare workers get reliable information to create healthy meal and snack plans?

Do you know?

Image source:


1. Learn words related to evaluating food choices

2. Take notes on expert advice from a video presentation

3. Evaluate online resources for reliability

4. Describe an online resource for advising families about healthy eating

A. Study vocabulary. Learn words to understand advice about healthy food choices.

B. Watch and listen to an expert in nutrition.

In the video, listen for advice. Try to get one suggestion or tip for each topic.

Take notes on these topics:

â—‹ Fruits

â—‹ Vegetables

â—‹ Protein

â—‹ Grains

â—‹ Dairy

â—‹ Fats

â—‹ Variety

C. Listen for details in the presentation.

D. Read and learn a tip for online research.

Nowadays, people get a lot of information from the Internet. However, how do we know if this online information is reliable?

Here’s a tip: Look for sites that end with “.gov”

For example:

The “.gov” at the end means government professionals researched, reviewed and organized the information on the site. Also, you can believe the information because they are not trying to sell you anything.

E. Check your understanding of the research tip.

F. Evaluate an online resource: Giving advice to parents.

Early childhood educators help parents makes healthy food choices by sharing information. Resources that caregivers share with parents might be written materials or website recommendations.


Imagine that you are a childcare worker. A parent has asked you for advice about how to improve their family's eating habits.

Go to to find a video with tips that you would recommend.

After you select a video, answer the questions and report to your instructor in Canvas.

1. Research

Steps to find the videos for your review:

1. Open another tab in your Internet browser. Go to

2. Go to menu "Life Stages" and then choose "Families".

3. On the Families page, scroll all the way down to "Resources". Go to "MyPlate Videos from Real Families."

4. On the Videos page, scroll all the way down to "MyPlate, MyWins: Family video series".

5. Look at the list of videos. Move left or right by using the arrows to watch a few of the videos.

6. Select one video from the "MyPlate, MyWins: Family video series" that interests you. Follow the instructions below to take notes about your chosen family.

2. Write

Write the questions and answers in your notebook. Answer with complete sentences.

1. Which video did you choose?

2. Why do you think this family could be a good role model for other families?

3. What tips are given at the end of the video?

3. Report

After you have finished your research, practice saying your answers out loud. When you are ready, make a recording of your answers with the media tool in Canvas to submit.

Find your Submission Assignment in Canvas Modules, VESL for Child Development, Module 2, Lesson 2, Activity F.

If you have never submitted an assignment in Canvas, please review the instructions here.

Be sure to check off your progress and ask your teacher to initial your checklist!