VESL for Child Development

Module 2, Lesson 4

Age Appropriate Stimulation

How do toys and educational materials help children develop their minds?

Which toys or materials are appropriate for a certain age?

How do preschool teachers handle a classroom of mixed ages and abilities?

Objectives :

1. Learn key words to describe infant and toddler activities and toys.

2. Listen for specific details in an extended discourse.

3. Comprehend essential points of topics from video presentations.

4. Listen and comprehend key information in order to take focused notes.

5. Demonstrate knowledge by analyzing and organizing a chart.

Click above to access your log.

A. Vocabulary.

B. Watch and Listen to the Video.

Before watching the video "Play Activities for Babies", review the checklist of activities. As you listen to the video, focus on the activities the speaker mentions. Be sure to click on each activity from the checklist as you hear it

C. Check comprehension

D. Watch and listen.

Before you watch, think about these questions:

What toys or learning materials are appropriate for different age groups?

How do teachers handle different ages in the same classroom?

While you watch, use an organizer for your notes similar to the image on the right.

E. Watch and listen again.

In this activity, you will focus on four segments of the video. Pay close attention to new terms and concepts.


Now you have learned new vocabulary and concepts related to activities that preschool teachers use to manage mixed groups of children. Take a moment to reflect on the lesson. In your own words, how would you summarize what you have learned? What can you express now that you couldn't before? How will this information help you succeed in becoming a childcare worker?

If so, you are ready for the next lesson.