VESL for

Child Development

Module 3, Lesson 2

Handbook Policies

Policies and Parent Communication

Watch and read the story.

Image sources:

A parent says, “I have to work late tonight. Can I pick up my son around 7:30pm?”

As a childcare facility worker, how would you respond?

Unfold to see the answer.

It’s hard to say no, but in situations like this, you can refer to the parent handbook. You could say something like: “I wish we could accommodate you, but we can’t. Please refer to the late pick-up policy on p. 23 for more information.”


1. Learn vocabulary to understand common topics presented in a handbook

2. Practice scanning a text for details

3. Listen to handbook policies and repeat them accurately

4. Communicate polite refusals to parent requests

A: Speaking in context: polite refusals

As a childcare worker, you will need to respond to parents’ requests about the child care center’s policies. Listen and write these helpful phrases.

1. Dictation: Listen and write.

CD M3L2A_1.mp3

2. Listen and write.

CD M3L2A_2.mp3

3. Listen and write.

CD M3L2A_3.mp3

4. Listen and write.

CD M3L2A_4.mp3

5. Listen and write.

CD M3L2A_5.mp3

Unfold to check your answers.

1. I understand your situation, but it’s not allowed.

2. I’m sorry I can’t. It’s against our policy.

3. Unfortunately, it’s just not possible.

4. I wish we could accommodate you, but we can’t.

5. Please refer to the parent handbook for more information.

B. Vocabulary. Review terms associated with childcare facility handbooks and policies.

C: Reading Strategy. Scanning excerpts of parent/family handbooks

Scanning is a reading skill that allows you to find specific details in a text. When you scan, you search for key words or numbers. Scanning can help you find the answer to test questions without reading the entire text.

Here is the table of contents on pages 3-6 from the large child development center that you skimmed in Lesson 1. Scan it (move your eyes quickly – don’t read!) to answer the following questions.

1. In which section can you find the center’s philosophy?

2. On which page can you get their days of operation?

3. Where can you find information about the waitlist?

4. In which section can you learn about their annual certification?

Image source:


Check your answers by taking the comprehension quiz.

D. Listening. Handbook Policies.

Listen and read. Pause the recording to repeat the pronunciation of unfamiliar words. Check off the questions that are answered in this section.

Checkboxes: Will my child be left alone? Can I drop my child off outside? Are drop off times flexible? Should I talk to someone when I pick up my child?

E. Reading Strategy. Scanning for information.

Refer to the image in the quiz. Scan for specific information in order to answer the comprehension questions. Record your score on your checklist.

F. Listening and Comprehension.

Before you listen and read. Think about the statements below. Which of the following do you think could be true?

  • Nuts are not allowed in SDCCD Childcare centers.
  • Children can bring their favorite food from home.
  • The center is careful to accommodate children with allergies.
  • All events or projects must be organized by the center director.

Listen and read the video below.


G. Read and Record:

Final Activity: Speaking.

First, choose one of the policies you listened to in the previous activity (D or E) and record yourself reading it aloud.

Then, listen several times to practice the pronunciation of key words.

Finally, when you’re ready, using the media tool in Canvas submissions, record yourself reading the policy and submit. Find your Submission Assignment in Canvas Modules, VESL for Child Development, Module 3, Lesson 2: Recording a Policy.

If you have never submitted an assignment in Canvas, please review the instructions here:

After you have submitted, you will get feedback from your instructor. You are now ready to move forward to lesson three in Module Three.