VESL for

Child Development

Module 4, Lesson 4

Books for Preschoolers


1. Learn vocabulary to describe books that are appropriate for preschoolers

2. Read and take notes from on online resource

3. Evaluate a children's book and describe its characteristics

4. Select a book that is appropriate for a preschooler

Explore a few types of children's books.

What do you call different types of children's books? What type is best depending on the child's age?

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Open to match the type of book with the age of the child.

*Cloth books

-great for babies

*Board books

-great for babies, toddlers and preschoolers too

*Picture books

-ideal for preschoolers

They have lots of illustrations with simple text. They might be stories, poems, or non-fiction informational books about animals or other favorite topics.

*Chapter books

-introduced in early elementary grades. They have thinner pages and much more text

A. Read about the features of good books for preschoolers.

First: Think about what you already know about books for preschoolers. Answer True or False.

a. Preschoolers often enjoy books about kids their own age.


b. Many preschoolers enjoy books about animals and their sounds.


c. Children at this age tend to prefer books with happy endings.


d. Adults should choose books with small pictures and lots of writing for preschoolers.


Second: Read online and take notes. What are the characteristics of a good book for preschoolers?

b. Scroll down to the section titled Preschoolers.

c. Use the audio file to the right to listen while you read.

d. Take notes.

-Write at least five characteristics of books that are appealing and beneficial to preschoolers in your notebook.

e. Optional, but recommended: Read another short article for more information.

B. Review vocabulary to describe children's books.

C. Evaluate a children's book.

1. Prepare to evaluate a popular children's book. Copy the note-taking chart in your notebook.

2. Listen to someone read The Berenstair Bears and the Spooky Old Tree, a popular picture book for preschoolers.

As you listen and read along with the narrator, study the text and illustrations.

3. Write notes in your chart. Repeat the video as many times as you want to.

How did you do? Check your analysis by clicking here.

D. Apply your knowledge! Select a book that is appropriate for a preschooler.

1. Find children's books. Your family may have some to choose from. Or, you can borrow a book from the library.

2. Select one book that has some of the characteristics you have learned about. Your choice must show that you know what is appropriate for preschoolers, not babies, and not older children.

3. Tell your instructor about your selection. Provide this information:

Author's last name, Author's first initials (Year of publication). Title. Publisher Name.

Great job!

You have accomplished so much!

In the next lesson, you will create an oral presentation about the book you selected.

Please update your checklist!