VESL for Child Development

Module 3, Lesson 1

The Childcare Parent Handbook

Image source:

In this lesson, you will read and apply strategies to two types of childcare handbooks.

When a parent enrolls their child in a childcare facility, where do you think they can find information on:

 the schedule for each day?

 what food will be provided?

 how the children will be disciplined?

 what will happen in case of an emergency?

 what will happen if the parent is late picking up the child?

Unfold for the answer

The Childcare Parent Handbook.

What is a handbook?

A handbook is like an instructional manual, but it’s used for a childcare facility or school.

You can find all the rules, policies, and official information about the childcare facility in the parent/family handbook.

You will often find a "Mission Statement" or "Philosophy" of the center. In that part, the overall aims and beliefs of the business are stated.

Image of a childcare handbook.


1. Identify the purpose of a handbook

2. Practice skimming for main ideas

3. Compare the features of different handbooks

A. Common sections of a childcare handbook.

Childcare facilities must provide written handbooks to parents and families of the children who are enrolled. Look at the topics in the boxes below. Which ones do you think are usually included in a parent/family handbook?

six check boxes for schedule, fees, illness policy, food & snacks, discipline/behavior and clothing and personal belongings as choices to check illness

B. Reading. Skimming and comparing two types of childcare handbooks.

Skimming is a reading skill that allows you to move your eyes quickly over a text to get a general understanding of the main ideas. We use skimming to preview (before we read) and review (after we read).

Now, we will compare two childcare handbooks. Click on each image to follow the lesson. Complete the activities on each handbook before you return to this lesson page.

Image of SDCCD Child Development Handbook.
Internet Source:
Image of page one of Davies Childcare Handbook.
Image source:
PARENT HANDBOOK   We welcome you to our family here at Davies Daycare.  The purpose of this handbook is to provide you, the parent or guardian, as much information as possible about our daily operations and policies.  We strive to ensure the highest quality care for all children.  Our goal is to establish a clear line of communication with you and your family.  Please read this document carefully.  By signing the “Parent Acknowledgement” on the last page, you agree that you have read and understood the Parent Handbook and the policies in it.

C. Reflection. Compare and contrast two handbooks.

Now you will compare and contrast the Davies Daycare parent handbook and the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) Child Development Center’s family handbook (click on the images to see them again)

To brainstorm, write some similarities and some differences between the two handbooks in your notebook. Would you like to see an example of how to organize your notes?

image of SDCCD Childcare Handbook
Image of a Childcare Handbook for students to link.

Click above to select.

Next, you will organize the ideas from your chart into a paragraph. Include a title, topic sentence, detail sentences, and a conclusion. Use several compare/contrast transitions from the chart to connect your ideas.

Do you need some language tips for comparing and contrasting? Click here.

What is the instructor look for?

How will your paragraph be evaluated? Click here to see.

*Do you need to review paragraph writing? Click above.

D: Assignment and submission of reflection.

When you are ready to upload your paragraph, save it first on your computer. Go to your Canvas course and navigate to Modules, VESL for Child Development, Module 3, Lesson 1. Click on VESL for CD M3, L1, D Compare and Contrast Paragraph

Need assistance uploading your assignment. Watch the video, here.

You have completed the lesson. Please mark your progress on your checklist.