VESL for Child Development

Module 1, Lesson 2

Child Development Theories

Child development theories explain how children develop physically, socially, and cognitively.

In this lesson, you will learn about a prominent theory in the field of child development.

Children and Language.

Do you know how many words a child knows at 23 months? Or at six years old?

Theory =

a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.



1. Learn specialized vocabulary to comprehend child development theories

2. Recognize essential points of a recorded lecture on an academic topic

3. Identify the stages of Piaget’s cognitive development theory

4. Comprehend explanations of a complex topic

5. Use reporting language to summarize a child development theory in writing

A. Quizlet vocabulary.

Record your score on the test mode.

B. Watch and listen.

Jean Piaget was the first scientist to develop a theory of a child's cognitive development.

Listen to a lecture on Piaget's stages in the video.


Get ready to watch the video demonstrations with the children. Read the stages in the top row and the information in the first column.

While you watch:

According to the video, at what stage do children begin to develop a sense of object permanence? Listen and then click on the dot of the correct stage below.

C. Comprehension check. Review the videos again.

VESL for Child Development

D. Writing: use reporting language sentence frames to summarize child development theories.

1. Write:

Using the information from slide 9 in the presentation above, choose academic reporting verbs from the list and rewrite the paragraph and turn it in to your instructor.

2. Before you turn in your paragraph:

Check your punctuation and spelling.

Review your grammar.

Use academic verbs in past tense.

Check for typos and formatting.

3. Submit your paragraph:

After you finish your revision, using the submissions media tool in Canvas, submit your paragraph in Canvas.

Find your Submission Assignment in Canvas Modules, VESL for Child Development, Module 1, Lesson 2, Activity D.

Did you check off everything in the lesson checklist? If so, you are ready to move on.