Trends That Will Transform The Way You Worked In 2020

There are a few days left to end the year and welcome 2020, a year in which the transformation that the working world is experiencing in our country will be increasingly evident.

Regus, a global provider of workspaces, has analysed the main trends that will prevail in the labour market for next year:


Both professionals and employers are getting even, gradually, of the requirement of sitting in an office from 9 to 6 pm.

The standardisation of office hours are falling progressively behind and brings new models to get the job done.

Professional's new millennial generation wants to choose and decide for themselves when they prefer to devote their professional duties, either at 8 am or start their day at 11 pm.

This new batch of workers seeking comfort and more productive their hours, and although they may seem 'strange' schedules, work.

Besides, they can afford to combine their most personal affairs with those of the professional field in a more natural way, which makes them happier.

The Exponential Growth Of Flexible Workspaces

According to a study by JLL, in the last five years, the sector of flexible workspaces has grown at a rate of 200%.

These spaces favor networking and the creation of synergies between companies of different kinds.

Already not only startups and innovative companies are betting on this model, but larger companies, and even multinationals, are beginning to opt for these types of spaces, which favor has a better work environment.

At the same time, Innovative thinking and the creation of a sense of community are promoted. IWG has contributed to this growth, with essential expansion plans for Regus and Spaces throughout the Spanish geography.


The increasing implementation of new technologies in the workplace is becoming a more critical factor for the recruitment and retention of talent.

The workers want to have the latest technology, to be able to perform their work in the most efficient way possible and thus maximise their productivity, wherever they are.

Measurement By Results

Thanks to the liberalisation of schedules and workspaces, the era of presentism is closer to its end.

Today's companies have realised that sitting at a table for 8 hours a day, five days a week, is not synonymous with productivity.

New technologies and the evolution of society towards a more practical mentality are making a professional's worth more measured based on the results that he is capable of generating, regardless of how, when or where he decides to do his job.


One of the most critical traits that companies request in today's professionals is the ability to think 'out of the box,

That is, to adopt creative thinking that allows them to leave the comfort zone and try to do things that they had not been done before.

The most creative professionals will be in luck next year, as this skill will be increasingly rewarded in the workplace.

For Philippe Jiménez, Regus country manager in Spain:

“New workers and new technologies are not compatible with the archaic forms of work that many companies still maintain. Measuring productivity and results should be essential for any company that seeks leadership in its sector, moving away from the old-fashioned traditional work model.”