SMEs Tips To Optimize Treasury and Avoid Lack Of Liquidity

Ensuring the necessary liquidity to meet the obligations of each moment is one of the great battles that small and medium-sized companies fight to be competitive, profitable and show the strength and economic guarantee demanded by the market.

The extra benefit that they could obtain, also, by profiting the cash surpluses could put these organisations in clearly advantageous positions.

However, they assure from Datisa that it is not always easy to comply with the basic premise of efficient treasury management.

Charging as soon as possible and relying on suppliers to finance themselves are still options to take into account.

Even, they cannot always be implemented either because customers impose long terms to pay, or because suppliers demand cash payment of their merchandise.

Therefore, the Spanish ERP firm for SMEs proposes, in addition to the efficient management of cash flows and payments, another three key recommendations to maintain the liquidity levels of SMEs on the waterline:

Negotiation With The Banks

SMEs must negotiate with the credit institutions the best possible financing and working conditions.

But at the same time, they must provide all the information that the bank needs, and on the other check and control all the operational intelligence they receive from the banking entities with which they work.

First to ensure that the conditions agreed with customers, suppliers, and the banks themselves, and second because integrating this data into the company's accounting and treasury system is a source of relevant information for decision making.

Treasury Forecasts And Budgets

In order not to take scares, from Datisa, it is recommended to establish an exhaustive planning and budgeting system.

In this way, the organisation will be able to control the deviations between the actual cash operating forecasts of each moment, and budgetary planning of each treasury item.

Thus checking whether the necessary liquidity will be available to meet the expected payments, or if on the contrary.

It will be essential to go to extraordinary sources of financing not provided for in the budgets.

Correctly Post The Operations

All operations carried out within an organisation refer to an accounting note that must be recorded correctly, on time.

Temporary mismatches can provide a distorted image of the company and make decisions based on data that is not up to date.

Automate, with technological management applications, all these processes, will allow those responsible for the organisation to automatically update the information in all their systems (accounting, financial, commercial, production, etc.) and, thereby, ensure that there is the correct and updated information in real-time.

In short, as Pablo Couso, senior consultant at Datisa explains,

“maintaining optimal liquidity levels allows you to guarantee the necessary funds to make all the payments to which the organisation has committed and do so in the agreed time. But it also helps to request the credit lines needed to finance the operations that the organisation needs. ”