Tips To Sell Better For Any Company

To take full advantage of the business opportunities that provide commercial dates as indicated as Black Friday, it is essential to have all the updated information.

Also to have the technological tools that facilitate, not only access to the data but the provision of a service of higher quality even than usual since there will be many customers who approach for the first time, physically or virtually, to individual firms.

Merchants must be sure, at this point, that they have the appropriate technological solutions to control the necessary stock levels.

Provide optimal information regarding the products or services they offer, facilitate deliveries regardless of the sales volume multiplied by X or adapt prices to the context of promotions and offers that accumulate on these dates.

Black Friday expects to exceed the already bulky sales figures obtained in the day of 2018, in which some companies recorded increases of up to 300%.

But this increase, as explained by Isabel Pomar, CEO of Data, is accompanied by a proportional increase in purchase orders.

Also an increase in the volume of items sold and, of course, an increase in accounting and financial movements associated with all these commercial transactions.

Therefore, it is essential that in addition to having the appropriate technology to respond to customers - at the business level.

There are also optimal management systems to record all information in the financial, accounting, tax, etc.

In any case, from Datisa some tips are offered to successfully address this commercial event that is the prelude to the Christmas campaign:

Flexible Solutions

Bet on flexible solutions, but, above all, for solutions that efficiently provide information and speed up processes.

Right now, what SMEs need is speed and security in equal parts. Of course, they must be solutions that fit the budgets.

We must be clear that we are talking about specific activity peaks. That is, although Black Friday is increasingly Black Week, the truth is that it focuses on a particular period.

Hence, you have to choose flexible solutions that allow you to stretch and contract, according to the needs of the moment.


Automate everything you can because it will also provide the efficiency and extra time needed in these periods of madness.

Automate processes and tasks allows, on the one hand, to optimize the internal functioning of businesses, and, on the other, to improve customer satisfaction levels.

If they perceive the quality they want. The customer does not care if the company has a request or a thousand.

What interests him is that his requirement is met on time, regardless of the dates on which we are.

Information Flow

Ensures that the information flows correctly because if the system gets stuck or slows down, the exchange of data will produce "bottlenecks" challenging to stop.

Therefore, if there are still doubts about the integration between different applications, they will have to be solved and the transparent and crack-free communication between the various solutions, be they ERP, CRM or eCommerce platforms.

Historical Data Analytics

Analyse historical information and get ahead of events, that is, plan. If you know what has happened in other similar campaigns, you can simulate what will happen in this one.

Therefore, it is essential that the management solutions that SMEs work with are capable of providing a detailed vision for the future, based on reliable historical data.

The lack of forecast can lead to severe economic problems, either due to excessive stock provisioning or lack thereof, which would imply, in turn, an over cost for the coffers of the company.

The financial area could suffer.

Stock Management

Manage stock and stocks efficiently. For this, it is necessary to have solutions that update the data, both sales and inventory automatically and permanently.

It is the way to avoid that the warehouse is full or that “broken” stock breaks occur.

Remember that, although they are frantic days in which there are many more market movements than in any other, the client remains unfaithful.

If he does not get what he wants, with the speed he demands, he will not only go to the competition, but also it may generate considerable reputation damage.

Therefore, the information and knowledge that is obtained from the data, about prices, references, available quantities, characteristics or description of the products or services that are marketed are vital to respond successfully.

In short, businesses - physical and digital - must optimise the internal management of their resources with technological solutions that provide them with the speed and reliability they need at peak times such as these special days.

But they must be solutions that allow, besides, to return to the “normality” quickly and that do not unblock the budgets with functionalities that they will only use at critical moments.

And, yes, they must be solutions that allow businesses to continue to focus on the customer and the quality of the services they provide.

An ERP helps these establishments determine the profitability of customers and the products and services they sell and, based on the information they provide, design appropriate strategies to achieve success.