Finance Managing Advantages In New Fintech Spaces

According to the report "The Future of Bank Branches: the branch as an agora," the new bank headquarters are created in detail aligning their services with the lifestyle and needs of the client: spaces for children and "Instagram enables," fintech offices where He teaches financial training, gastronomic experiences, etc.

The banking sector is going through a moment of digital transformation that affects, among other things, physical spaces.

In addition to this, traditional banks began to compete with Fintech companies, which are dedicated to offering digital services for financial management.

As part of this phenomenon, neobanks have also appeared, 100% digital banks that service through their mobile platforms and apps without the need for offices.

According to the Bank of Spain, during the first three quarters of 2018, an average of three offices a day, we're closed, but while it is true that banks have reduced their physical presence, the headquarters will not disappear, at least not for now.

When branches are closed in small cities, more original ones are opened, differentiated, located in strategic points, and equipped with the best technology and personnel to place customers in the center.

The approach is directed towards omnichannel and contact with customers through digital and physical channels.

Thus, to continue attracting customers to branches, physical bank headquarters are transformed, becoming smart offices and social meeting points where customers no longer only go to manage their banking products, but also.

They also use these spaces to work, have work meetings, and even enjoy coffee.

The physical space is still essential for the customer experience strategy, and, in this sense, it is necessary to enrich the area with services that align with current lifestyles and that adapt to each profile.

Banks use branches as a modernisation channel, and The Valley explains it, in their report " The Future of Bank Branches: the branch as an agora ."

Technology Is Transforming The UX Into The Branch.

It is already feasible to make transactions and transactions autonomously in the service terminals.

For example, for a robot to make the reception at the entrance of the bank or to interact with digital walls or with intelligent ATMs.

In the same way, the managers work with tablets that allow them to have a 360º view of the client or directly the relationship between manager-client is made through video conferences.

ROM Traditional Banking To Digital Banking

Large entities are also digitizing their services, offering, for example, the possibility of chatting with a 24/7 chat bot to solve sophisticated issues.

Also, the option of opening an account with a selfie is now a reality, thanks to software that, employing facial recognition techniques, contrasts the information in the photo with that of the official identity document.

A Cashless Bank Is Also Real

If before you went to the bank to operate with money, today there are some entities in which cash does not exist; There are no ATMs.

The increasing use of payment has driven this new concept through mobile phones or apps.

ATMs, Much More Than Cash Machines

ATMs become smarter and become interactive connection points. Customers can operate without a card by identifying themselves through facial recognition, offering a better service experience that responds to the need to safeguard the security and protect banking entities from fraud.

There are also self-service banking kiosks in which bio-metric identification is carried out using veins. However, none of these authentication solutions is 100% free of hazards and risks.

Pop-Up Banks

Branches are increasingly oriented to respond to hyper-segmented needs and aligned with new generations.

Pop-up offices emerge as micro-branches that may have a temporary or permanent location, created, for example, in transport containers.

They are a cost-effective way to expand areas where a more permanent branch location could be justified. They are very common on university campuses and allow you to make almost any transaction in a new environment.

Branch As An Agora

Banking offices that become community meeting points with cafeteria or coworkers, where knowledge and the creation of ecosystems are at the center.

Diego Fernández Ortiz, head of Santander SmartBank & WorkSafe comments on the success of WorkSafe Santander:

“ The key to these new spaces is to achieve an essential balance between the bank, which offers financial services with added value; co-working,

which responds to the needs of customers for free to use the space and fidelity with the bank; and finally, the cafeteria,

which is still a social additive that generates a relaxed moment to break with the dynamic manager-client and foster a closer relationship. ”

Design At The Service Of Experience

In a context of lack of time and concern for health and well-being, physical sites adapt to the changing needs of each person.

Thus, financial pop-ups explicitly dedicated to women have emerged, bank headquarters with spaces designed specifically for children and even offices of Fintech companies that offer financial training as well as spa wellness sessions or culinary experiences.

The design of the new spaces, which create community while relying on technology, becomes one of the keys to the new office to improve customer service and user experience.

And What About The Branch Jobs?

“ Everything automatable will be automated, and jobs will disappear, but they will also reinvent themselves, and new jobs will appear. And this transformation process also brings with it training programs to ensure that people who have to change roles can do so by transferring skills that can be applied to other jobs in which the human factor is necessary ”clarifies Juan Luis Moreno, director of innovation in the Valley.