How long does CBD take to absorb and how long does its effect last?

Are you new to the world of CBD ? You will probably have a lot of questions about this cannabinoid. New users wonder how long it takes for the effects to be felt and how long the compound stays in the body. There is no exact answer to these questions, since the absorption and elimination of CBD depends on several factors - such as body weight, metabolism and the method of consumption.

For starters, let's look at the different ways to consume CBD and why some work before others. And later we will explore how individual physiology affects how long CBD stays in the body.


CBD is CBD, right? How important is it if you decide to vape extracts or take capsules? Is there really a big difference between applying it under the tongue or adding it to a cup of coffee?

The fact that different consumption routes produce different effects can be confusing. And this confusion is understandable. Ultimately, CBD ends up in the blood and through it is distributed throughout the body. The molecule interacts with receptors in the endocannabinoid system , and also appears to have an affinity for vanilloid and serotonin receptors. CBD interacts with receptors located in the brain after crossing the blood-brain barrier, as well as with receptors located in the nervous system, immune system, and other cells and tissues.

The route CBD takes to reach these destinations greatly affects the time it takes to stimulate / inhibit these receptors. Next, let's look at the most frequent consumption methods, along with details on the speed of the effects and the mechanisms used in each one.


Some consumers choose to smoke or vape CBD extracts or dried hemp flowers. With both methods, the cannabinoid enters the body through the same route: the pulmonary alveoli. People often prefer vaping to smoking, due to the lack of combustion and carcinogens. When CBD reaches these small lung sacs, it diffuses through the blood.

When inhaling CBD, this compound only has to pass through a thin membrane to reach the bloodstream, which means that the effects are almost instantaneous. Obviously, smoking and vaping are not methods that appeal to everyone, but some consumers appreciate the speed of the effects.

Inhaled CBD has a high bioavailability, which means that the vast majority of inhaled CBD reaches the blood and exerts its effects.

The half-life of CBD in the body, or the time it takes for half of the atoms of this molecule to break down within the body, depends on the method of consumption used. The half-life of inhaled CBD is 1-2 hours, after taking a 20mg dose.


This method of consumption includes capsules, extracts (such as tinctures), and foods and drinks with CBD. Taking CBD this way is easy, discreet, and doesn't involve the lungs. The boom in demand for this cannabinoid has led to an increase in the number of companies offering all kinds of CBD edibles, from candy and cookies to sparkling water and breakfast cereals.

Although eating or drinking CBD products is the most enjoyable way to deliver cannabinoid to cells, this method is the slowest to take effect. This is because CBD has to pass through the digestive system before it reaches the blood.

After chewing and swallowing edibles, they are immersed in a mixture of acids and enzymes, pass through the digestive tract and are metabolized by the liver before reaching the blood. This process is slow compared to inhalation. It takes at least 20-30 minutes for CBD to reach the receptors and produce its effects. Generally, CBD taken orally has a half-life of 2–3 hours.

This way of consuming CBD has its advantages. It can be easily included in the daily routine and can also be included as part of a meal. Given the slowness to take effect, this method may not be the most suitable for those who need immediate doses of the cannabinoid; but its effects are more lasting.


Sublingual dosing means placing a few drops under the tongue. To do this, the most common is to use CBD oils and tinctures. This method of administration is used in the medical field to get a drug into the blood quickly. With sublingual application, CBD avoids passing through the digestive system, which increases the bioavailability of this substance.

By applying a few drops under the tongue, the CBD comes into contact with the thinner layer of the lining of the lower part of the mouth. This layer is very permeable, favoring a rapid absorption of the compound, which reaches the blood through the capillaries.

Sublingual CBD takes approximately 15 minutes to take effect. You just have to put a few drops of oil or tincture under the tongue and wait for its absorption. With this method of consumption, the half-life of CBD varies greatly depending on the dose. It can last between 1 and 10 hours, with doses between 5 and 20mg.


Topical application of CBD means applying CBD creams, lotions, or balms directly to the skin. With this method, CBD does not usually penetrate the skin. Due to the protective function of the skin against external influences, the cannabinoid has to pass through seven cell layers of the epidermis before reaching the bloodstream, thus only a topical absorption of the compound occurs.

This form of absorption is quite slow. It may take between 25 and 45 minutes before the effects occur. Topical application is the method of choice for skin problems and for sports recovery. CBD can ease the symptoms of skin conditions such as eczema , psoriasis, and acne . This cannabinoid could help reduce inflammation, possibly helping athletes and active people to recover after great physical effort.


The effects and absorption of CBD not only depend on the method of consumption used. Many physiological variables also come into play. Every human body is unique, which means that CBD affects each person differently. Let's take a look at some of these variables.


Body weight is one of the main factors that affect the behavior of CBD in the body. In general, the more a person weighs, the more CBD they will need to feel the effects. A 100kg man will need a larger dose of the cannabinoid than a 60kg man to feel the same effects.


Body composition is different from body weight. It refers to the levels of the different tissues that make up the body, rather than the overall weight. One of the elements of body composition with a considerable effect on the dosage of CBD is adipose tissue, or fat. Elevated levels of fat deposits can alter the way the body distributes, processes, and removes substances. Since the elimination of the substances is higher in people with a higher body fat index, they often need higher doses of CBD to experience the same effects.


Each individual has a variable metabolic rate. This rate indicates how fast the body can burn calories for energy. Although the amount of physical effort exerted can increase the amount of calories used, everyone has a reference number. In fact, most of the calories burned by the body are used for basic physiological functions while the body is resting.

Those with a higher metabolic rate break down and use compounds more quickly. Therefore, they will need larger and more frequent doses of CBD to maintain the effects of this cannabinoid.


The amount of CBD consumed in each dose will influence how it affects the body. Regardless of the route of administration, a large dose will take longer to be processed and eliminated. Although inhaled or sublingually applied CBD works much faster, a larger dose will enhance the effects of any form of use.

There is a lack of scientific research on the dosage of CBD, as this compound has not long received the attention of the general public. A reasonable way to consume CBD is to start small and gradually increase it. Some people may feel the effects with small doses, while others may need much larger amounts. The factors mentioned above play an important role in calculating the starting dose.

That said, a 2019 study concluded that medium doses of CBD were more effective at treating anxiety than larger or smaller doses. This phenomenon is known as an inverted U-shaped dose-response curve. This research is a great example of the nuances around CBD dosing. Until more studies are carried out, personal experimentation will be the best way to discover the best dose for you.


The only way to find out which method of consumption works best for you is to experiment. Although you may already have a clear idea, based on your personal needs. If you need a fast-acting dose, inhalation or sublingual dosing is best. If you have a skin condition, the most recommended is topical application.

As you figure out your preferred route of administration, you will also need to find the most suitable dosage for you. Start with a small dose and see how your body responds. If you think you need a more intense effect, increase the dose progressively.

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