Tips To Improve Offices Employees Productivity and Health

In recent years, the incorporation of 'immo-wellness' to workplaces has become one of the main objectives of companies.

Productivity increases, absenteeism is reduced, and the welfare and health of workers improve.

In fact, according to data published by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, for every euro invested in health and professional safety, the company will have an average return of 3.6 euros.

"The main edge Spanish organisations just as global workplaces that have requested such measures. If space does not meet certain requirements, they do not rent it, ”explains Pablo Muñoz, co-founder and CEO of Evalore, consulting and architecture cabinet that creates spaces that improve health and sustainability.

Evalore projects are implemented both in new construction and in office and residential buildings that are already incorporating the principles of 'immo-wellness' for, according to the expert, "not to be left out of a model that will prevail in the immediate future.''

In Evalore, they work with the WELL Certification, the most prestigious architecture health standard worldwide.

After seven years of medical-scientific research, it is confirmed that the companies that implement WELL have between 25% and 65% less turnover.

But what 'into-wellness' tips do you propose from Evalore taking into account this certification? These would be the five most effective:

Improve Indoor Air Quality

The polluted office air not only produces allergies, irritations and other discomforts to workers but can also lead to diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous system, among others. "To give us an idea, indoor air quality is between 2 and 5 times lower than outdoors," says Evalore CEO.

In addition to ventilation systems that guarantee air renewal, one of the measures that the expert implements in all his work is the incorporation of air purification systems.

These can be electric and even natural, which are based on the filtering power of plants. Evalore incorporates in many of its projects AIRY, a natural purifier that only the Spanish company Ekonexo markets in our country.

This company also has other products specialised in health protection against environmental pollution and allergens that neutralise the wide variety of threats present in the indoor environment.

Photocatalytic paint, which also helps to clean the indoor air through the incidence of natural or artificial light or the use of beautiful finishes and furniture without toxic components are other of Evalore's proposals 먹튀검증.

Improve The Nature Of Drinking Water

The water we drink daily may be contaminated by heavy metals, pesticides, and bacteria, among other elements.

"Even the microplastics, which in the collective imagination are in seas and oceans, are also present in the water that comes out of our taps," Pablo Muñoz warns. Of 159 samples of drinking water taken in 14 countries, 83% contained microplastics, according to a study by the State University of New York, the University of Minnesota and Orb Media.

To prevent water contamination, the installation of top quality water filters, such as reverse osmosis or ceramic ones, is necessary.

"Artistic filtration is particularly powerful because not a solitary drop is disposed of during the filtering process, unlike what happens with other options," they suggest from Ekonexo.

These filtering systems can also be incorporated into sources, whose installation helps reduce the use of plastic bottles in offices. All this makes these measures not only good for health but also sustainable.

Adapt The Lighting

The human body is governed by circadian rhythms, which are a series of variations that take place every 24 hours - or, what is the same, the time it takes for the Earth to go around the sun.

Therefore, light plays an essential role in the behaviour of our body, being able to generate problems of stress and insomnia that end up affecting work performance.

“To avoid this type of consequence, it is necessary to maximise natural lighting in workspaces. There are also specific luminaires with circadian lighting systems that mimic the characteristics of sunlight in intensity and colour temperature, ”they explain from Evalore. Likewise, they recommend using anti-glare lighting and orienting jobs so that glare is avoided.

Increment Warm And Acoustic Solace

The feeling of well-being and, therefore, performance and concentration are affected by comfort in the workplace.

The creation of additional thermal zones controlled by a thermostat, the use of radiant and refreshing floor sectorised by position or the incorporation of windows with automated or intelligent blinds are some of the measures Evalore always tries to implement.

For its part, acoustic comfort helps improve concentration. Depending on the task to be performed, the noise levels must be one or the other.

One of the solutions provided is to create different work areas with different acoustic characteristics, using acoustic absorbing panels or creating acoustic privacy spaces for calls and informal meetings.

Incorporate Biophilia Into Space

The perception of space has a significant impact on our way of feeling and acting, something that is closely related to productivity.

Many studies correlate with contact with nature with reduced levels of anxiety, stress, and depression.

Thus, the biophilia or incorporation of natural elements in the offices makes us feel better.

Place plants, add natural finishes (wood, stone), resort to green and pastel shades, favour outdoor views with a presence of nature.

All this helps workers feel more comfortable with their work environment. We usually spend more hours than at home.

“Some plants work best in indoor spaces, either due to the consideration they require or given their obstruction. Thus,

All these measures improve well-being, health, and performance.

“Experience reveals to us that representatives decrease their medical issues and go progressively agreeable to work, while organisations are aware of the importance of caring for their workers and increase their productivity,”

They indicate from Evalore. 94% of the workers of the first WELL certified offices assured that the new space had a positive impact on their work performance.