Perfect Lip Gloss Tips

Remember that perfection is 10% motivation and 99% sweat. Therefore, the search for lip gloss, which is best suited for the shade and tone of the lips, is a task that requires perseverance, stamina, and small (very small) karma. Ideally, the accompanying tip will increase the chances of finding a lip gloss that works best for your lips.

1. Be open, do not forget to explore!

There are different brands of gloss and the cost of each shift. A $ 7 lip gloss purchased at a local drug store is not a second quality indicator, at least $ 18 for a Poole lip gloss. Lips could simply appreciate the surface, perfection, softness of gloss, or feel its size, its tenacity, or its disgusting. Lips care little about the price of lip gloss or where it was bought. Although very good quality lip glosses sometimes give super-shiny sensations that rub off almost perfectly on the lips, there are no very expensive lip glosses like Bonne Chime that could give an impulse. at the top of the line. The name is not all that matters. Sometimes an amazing find can be found in dollar stores. Try your karma, win or lose, it all costs a dollar. However, if you are shopping at a pharmacy or Wal-bazaar, be sure to complete the analysis of the lip gloss product that you intend to buy, as pharmacies do not offer analyzers.

2. A spark not earlier than the end of time

- Reapply to maintain color.

- Some brands, even the best, disappear in a few hours.

- Some people don't care about the dazzling glow

- Judge by the shadow of your lips, not by any other person

3. Definition of advice

Try to choose a lip gloss that depends on the shade of your lips, because the tone of your lips naturally affects the tone of the applied gloss. Never choose based on the luck or failure of lip gloss Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie. Jennifer has thin, pale lips, and Angelina has wrinkles. Usually yours, therefore, is completely different from them, if not worse. Lip gloss tones are displayed differently on different types of people. The shadow of the lips has an important effect because your usual lip color will radiate. The same goes for your normal complexion, lip gloss pigmentation, its usefulness when applied, and everything you are looking for lip gloss. He is as special, individual, and personalized as possible.

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4. Anything that shines is not acceptable

No matter how amazing it is, make sure the lip gloss looks like it almost looks like it isn't there. Lip gloss that seems lumpy or sharp should not go on without serious consequences for you or your lips. Feel free to return it to the store and kindly report your problems to the store agent or, ideally, the senior manager. It should be replaced by a thinner cylinder. In any case, if such a problem is not resolved, it may be time to switch to another brand, obviously one that does not do so much harm.

Be practical, lip gloss gives lips a soft gloss, does not give anyone delicate lips, like kissing cotton. Lipsticks do it. Emollients are not bright. In any case, it makes lips elegant. Ask for medicine on the lips before applying lip gloss, this is to saturate the lips. Shine should be, you made it, brilliant. If not, go to the store or store where you bought it, you should receive the goods you bought.