Trends in Entrepreneurship & Business Creation

The business environment has undergone significant changes in recent times, thanks to the impact of new technologies and many changes in consumer lifestyles.

As entrepreneurs, we cannot be oblivious to these changes. Recollect that the progressions are a wellspring of endless chances.

Still, they also represent a risk for those who ignore or resist them.

In this article, I wanted to compile some of the trends that have completely changed the way you start and start a business.

I invite you to review them and take them into account for your venture.

Business Ideas Are Everywhere

We are in an era where you can find ideas everywhere, even in this blog, we have shared thousands of designs that you can adapt to create a business.

What does this mean? It implies that having a "smart thought" is no assurance of anything.

In these times, it is more important than ever to have the ability to move from idea to action, ideas are there waiting for some entrepreneur who is encouraged to implement it.

It does not mean that there is no room for innovation, quite the opposite, those who find new ways and methods of doing things will always stand out, but it makes no sense to lock you in with your ideas "because they are unique."

If you have a good idea you must go out into the world, you can even start with a "bad idea," and gradually you can adapt it according to the needs of the environment.

Great businesses of our time began as unfeasible ideas, but once launched, and thanks to the passion and determination of its founders, they were improving until they became fascinating companies.

The Business Plan Paradigm Is Broken

Lean Startup Methodology

The traditional business plan has been renewed little by little and has opened the way to new methods and tools for business planning and creation.

Lean Startup, Business Model Generation, and Customer Development are some of the latest techniques for developing business.

We are in a time where it makes no sense to spend months and months developing a business plan and then go out and face reality very different from that embodied in the document.

Business plans are still useful, but their application and implementation must be different from some years ago.

Collective Ventures & Virtual Communities

Virtual Entrepreneurship Communities

Undertaking alone has gone out of style now, the world requires teams of passionate entrepreneurs willing to give their all for their projects.

We are in an era where social networks and virtual communities allow us to meet entrepreneurs from all over the world and interact with them, so it makes no sense to launch an enterprise, better take advantage of the potential of a work team and you will see that You can achieve much more.

Within this trend, we see emerging new concepts such as Co-working, Networking, Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing, etc. all of them oriented towards the use of collective power.

If you wish to expand the information on this trend, I invite you to read the article " Virtual Communities for the development of enterprises. "

Money Ceased To Be An Obstacle

Ways To Finance A New Company Or Business

If your most significant barrier to entrepreneurship is money, maybe you are doing something wrong because the world is full of investors interested in being part of entrepreneurship projects. Still, it is your job to convince them to support you.

There are constant calls and contests dedicated to the search for projects to support, then money if there is!, But do not wait until they come to look for you to see what you need.

The economic situation may be complicated, and all, but many entrepreneurs managed to undertake in complicated economic contexts because their passion and determination were stronger than any obstacle.

We also see the concept of Crowdfunding, a new way of financing business projects taking advantage of the power of the masses.

And finally, new technologies have significantly reduced the costs associated with the creation of a business, so if you have the right business model, it will be easier for you to start your project.

Projects Without Geographical Limitations

Export Opportunities

Globalization and ICTs have opened the way to a world without borders, so you should think about global projects and not limit yourself to a small segment of customers.

Thanks to the Internet, you can reach any corner of the world, it is only a matter of adapting your business to meet the challenge of breaking geographic barriers.

Digital businesses are entirely scalable and allow you to reach customers around the world.

You put limits.

Green & Sustainable Businesses

The importance of the Business Administrator in the construction of a Sustainable Future

If your business project generates a negative environmental impact, then you should rethink many things because today's world is increasingly concerned with environmental care and the modern consumer is willing to reject any brand or product that puts a healthy environment at risk.

The challenge of modern companies is to create sustainable and environmentally friendly businesses. Otherwise, they will only be part of the long list of companies that disappeared because they did not adapt to changes in the environment.

The Green Graffiti company is a clear example that you can create profitable and innovative businesses that positively impact the environment.

Positioning Your Business No Longer Depends On Money But Creativity

Youtube, social networks, forums, blogs, and many other online content portals have become the most efficient way to captivate millions of customers around the world, but here the company with more money does not stand out but those companies whose campaigns contain a high degree of creativity.

There are several cases of companies with a low budget managed to develop a new advertising strategy that spread virally through the web.

On the contrary, other companies have lost a lot of money by doing very inefficient campaigns.

The popular video Gangnam Style is a clear example of the enormous reach of the Internet for brand positioning.

Customers Look For Experiences

There will always be a market for low-priced products, but now more than ever, we see consumers interested in obtaining positive shopping experiences.

The most exciting thing is that the modern consumer is willing to share his experience with the whole world, so if your client has good experience in your business, he will not hesitate to share it with his friends.

When you have a terrible experience, you will take advantage of all the means to share it with other consumers.

It is a double-edged sword that can boost or end your business.

If you want to know more about this trend, I recommend consulting the Book "Marketing of experiences," there you will understand this concept much better and how you can take advantage of it in your company.

Products With A High Value Are The Most Profitable

While many companies are looking for ways to reduce costs daily to lower their prices, there are companies like Apple that make their products more valuable every day.

The result is that Apple is currently the most profitable company in the world.

When we talk about value, we are referring to what the customer receives when purchasing a particular product or service.

At the same time, the price refers to the money delivered by the customer.

Clients expect companies with value proposals that captivate them and are willing to pay anything as long as they exceed their expectations.

Purchases became social, mobile and personalized.

Social Networking

The consumer has drastically changed their shopping habits thanks to the revolution of smartphones and social networks.

If your business does not have a presence on the Internet and mobile devices, it will likely be missing a huge and profitable potential market, and it is also allowing the competition to keep that market.