Realities Of Entrepreneurship That You Should Know

The world of entrepreneurship is fascinating and extremely exciting. Every day you wake up with the illusion of making your dreams come true and trying to change the world with your ideas.

In these four years that I have been sharing with entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, I have learned a few lessons about entrepreneurship and business creation, and today I want to share some of these lessons.

Do not forget to leave your opinions, comments, and contributions on the subject, and I am sure that together we can reach fascinating conclusions.

Well, here are these 15 Realities of entrepreneurship that you should know to not give up on the road to your dreams.

No Business Is Good Or Bad On Paper

I recently had the opportunity to talk with some business administration students, and most asked me questions like "Is it good business to do this ?", "Is it gainful to begin a business devoted to wondering such as this and so forth.

I suppose that if we go from university to university, we will find similar doubts since in the classrooms they teach us to make decisions "with the head" and always based on a business plan, a spreadsheet in excel or statistics that allow us to determine whether to start such Business is a good or bad idea.

The venture requires a touch of irrationality because precisely the away possible and the impossible undertaking is made when the most fascinating and beautiful ideas emerge.

When it is undertaken, it is sometimes necessary to make decisions with the heart, leaving numbers aside and paying attention to our intuition.

An excel sheet or a business plan will never tell you with certainty if your business idea is good or bad, if you want to know it, you must have the courage to launch it to the market and that it is the customers who tell you how your business is, what should you change, how can you improve it, etc.

It sounds risky, but this is what entrepreneurship is about taking risks that no one else would take to achieve things that no one else would make.

It is good that you analyze your idea in detail and take the time to plan strategies and evaluate the critical aspects of your project, but remember that reality is outside and not in your business plan, as Javier Megias, strategy expert says, startups and business models.

It Is Easier To Fail Than To Succeed

The statistics on business failures are chilling:

"of each ten new organizations, just 1 or 2 surpass the initial five years of life."

I tell you this by not seeking to discourage you. Quite the opposite, you should be aware that you may not succeed the first time, nor the second, nor the third, so you must have enough character to try again and again.

You must have the courage and willpower necessary to lift harder after each fall.

If we review the stories of some of the greatest entrepreneurs in history, we will see that everyone has faced failure over and over again, but it was his determination and his passion for the weapons with which they managed to recover to try once more until finally, their Businesses began to prosper.

The key is not to not fall, but to have the courage to get up again and again.

The chances of failure are high, but it is better to fail to try to succeed in something we like than to stop reaching because of the fear of failure.

90% Of Success Is Simply Based On Insisting (Woody Allen)

Most businesses never succeed simply because their manager stopped trying too soon.

Entrepreneurship is about insisting, persisting, resisting, and never giving up. Many times the difference between failing and succeeding is merely trying again. The key is to keep the enthusiasm where others have already given up.

There are people with outstanding talents who never achieve anything in life because of the lack of discipline, perseverance, and perseverance. On the contrary, some people are not very talented but strive every day to be better, train, persevere, and manage to get as far as they intend.

If You Want To Undertake, You Will Find The Way

Finding excuses is very easy, and you will always have a perfect one to stop starting that business with which you dream so much lack of money, lack of time, lack of preparation, the poor state of the economy, etc. In short, the list of excuses at the time of undertaking is infinite, but who is willing to undertake will find the way and the means to overcome any obstacle that crosses their path.

Many companies have started without even having a complete product and without having all the necessary resources to start, but the vision of their managers allowed them to venture and then gradually turn their ideas into the great company they dreamed of. Don't you remember when Bill Gates did business with the software he didn't even have in his hands?

If You Want To Get There Fast, Start Alone. If You're Going To Go Far, Start As A Team

Entrepreneurship only has its advantages. You do not have to report to any partner, and you can do things your way, you do not need to discuss with anyone the decisions you make, you can work at your own pace, you stay with all the utility generated by the business, etc. But If you start alone, you will never go as far as you could if you work with other entrepreneurs who share your passion and your goals.

They say that if you can achieve your goals alone, it means that maybe your goals are too small. Dare to dream and think big, and create work teams with people who have skills and characteristics that complement yours, you will see that together they can achieve even the most important goals, however difficult they may seem.

Every Good Business Has Competition

However innovative and different your product or service may be, there will always be competition, and it is a fatal mistake to believe that there is absolutely no company or product that points to the same market segment that you are targeting.

It is also a mistake to believe that large companies do not do or can do something similar to what we do, it is better to be realistic from the beginning and analyze each of the players in the market: suppliers, complementary products, supplementary products, direct competitors, indirect competitors, etc.

As Sun Tzu says: "On the off chance that you know your foe and you know yourself, you won't be in threat in 100 fights. " Stress over knowing the challenge and any primary component of the condition that can affect your business. As Sun Tzu Says:

On the off chance that you know your foe and you know yourself, you won't be in threat in 100 fights

Stress over knowing the challenge and any primary component of the condition that can affect your business.

Businesses Are Like Love

It may sound a little cheesy to you, but I have always thought that business and love have many things in common.

Throughout our love life, we have different opportunities with different partners, but one must always marry that person who awakens all our passions and for which we are willing to set aside many other possibilities. Also, in business, we have endless business opportunities to undertake, but we must only "marry" that idea or that business that we are passionate about and for which we are willing to sacrifice time, money, and effort. Never forget that a business without passion is nothing more than a routine job where your day to day will not be very different from that of an employee who works motivated by his salary.

A prevalent mistake is to put money ahead of something we want to undertake. If money becomes an objective that haunts you from the beginning, you may think about giving up your project when you face the first obstacle. It is necessary to have stronger motivations than money.

You Must Have Enough Character To Face Fears, Criticisms And Discouragement Messages

When you decide to do something out of the ordinary, it's normal for people around you to send you discouragement messages like "you can't ...", "it's a bad idea ...", etc. Those people do not do it with bad intentions. They only act according to the paradigms and fears with which they were formed.

You must have a determination and a character strong enough to believe in yourself and face any criticism or discouragement message from family, friends, and relatives.

Fear is another enemy that we must deal with when we want to undertake it. Even many entrepreneurs resign themselves because their concerns become more prominent and stronger than their dreams. You must face your fears and realize that fear is as high as you perceive it yourself. It is challenging to face fears, but it is more challenging to be with them all your life.

Great Items & Organizations Don't EXIST!

Some people stay a lifetime waiting for a perfect product or business, but the truth is that not even the largest companies have 100% excellent products and business models. Many times it is better to start with something, also if it is not ready yet, and gradually improve according to the needs of the market.

Companies like Google and Apple always keep their products in the "beta" phase and launch more and more sophisticated versions according to the feedback generated by users and consumers. This strategy allows them to be leading companies in innovation and enable them to be better and better; Meanwhile, millions of people with fascinating ideas never dare to launch them simply because they believe they are not yet ready to see the light of day.

Starting A Business Never Makes You An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is not Like starting a business. Entrepreneurs know that entrepreneurship is an adventure of constant learning and full of challenges where every day is an opportunity for self-improvement. The greatest entrepreneurs never settle for having started a business. Their vision leads them to achieve ever-greater goals.

Once you have your company in the market, it is time to think about expanding, contributing to economic development, reaching more customers, offering more job opportunities, and, why not, thinking about changing the world.

If you have already started your business, don't settle, think about how you can make it bigger and work every day to take a step forward. Do not let that flame inside you go out.

We Are All Potential Entrepreneurs

There are as many types of entrepreneurs as there are types of people in this world. We all have an entrepreneur inside, but we must wake him up so that we are able to fight for our dreams.

Not all businesses fit the characteristics of all people, so it is vital to find an opportunity that provides our way of being and thinking How to discover the perfect opportunity for everyone? In the book "the art of creating wealth," we can find excellent tips to know.

Money Is Not The Main Obstacle When Undertaking

We are in full 2013 and money stopped being an obstacle when it comes to entrepreneurship, you may not agree with me, but if at this moment you feel that you cannot start your business due to lack of capital, it means that you are doing something wrong.

Right here in this blog we have shared hundreds of calls, contests and support programs whose objective is to finance exciting business projects, in addition, crowdfunding platforms have created a new trend where anyone can finance their ideas and projects taking advantage of the Internet's potential, but it is your job to capture the interest of the community and give them reasons to believe in you.

It is true that money is a critical element in the development of any venture, but it should not be a limitation or an excuse to abandon your dreams.

Great Achievements Require Considerable Efforts

If you want to achieve something big, you must be willing to fight as nobody else would.

Effort + Discipline + Constancy + Patience = Success

Losers often believe that success is marked by luck, but winners know perfectly well that their destiny is in their hands, and they can get where they want. Do not blame the lack of luck when the problem is a lack of attitude.

It Is Straightforward To Lose Focus

It is normal to lose focus when it is first undertaken. We want to do everything at the same time, and finally, we don't do something right.

It is essential that you focus on a single idea, but that you do it well, better than anyone. Then there will be time to work on other ideas and other projects, but if you want to do everything at the same time, you will only get your energy, time, and money wasted.

The absence of a center is one of the most well-known reasons for business disappointment. Discover the potential of your business and focus on creating a competitive advantage around it.

Companies Are Like A Japanese Bamboo

Japanese bamboo is a rare plant. Seeds are sown like those of any other plant, and you should take care of it like any other plant, but for seven years, you will not see the seeds bloom. Why? Because during these seven years, Japanese bamboo is developing strong roots. In the seventh year, the plant will begin to grow, and in just six weeks, it will reach a height of more than 30 meters, and if you cut it, it will rise again and again.

When you decide to undertake years will go where you will not see the fruits of your effort, but it is crucial that at this time, you make your company develop strong roots so that when it begins to grow, it has enough strength. When a company has strong roots, it is much stronger, and although it faces problems, it will continue to grow.