
We cycle twice a month during the season (April-October); the second and fourth Thursday afternoons.At first there was suspicion that there was nowhere safe to cycle.From my own experience I was able to show this was not the case.I was, at first, surprised to hear, “I didn’t know this road was here!”.Most people own a car and usually keep to the main roads and motorways.We have been able to find quiet roads / lanes and paths that have provided us with gentle rides.Probable our busiest route is along the canal bank.Hills can usually be avoided or approached in such a manner as to allow you to suddenly be at the top without realising it. 

We have not ‘lost’ anyone on our rides and no-one has been in a position to consider they are not able to keep up.Our pace is leisurely.Starting at 1pm we have usually found a café by 2.15pm where at least an hour is spent in good hearted chatter.We then make our way back via a different route to finish about 4.30 or so.Our average attendance is probably 6, though once we had 10.

There is capacity for more in the group and we would be pleased to have you with us. So why not give us a try.

Group leader: Sandra Gee