Geotechnic Quotes

"Try always to combine theory and practice and to confront ideas and experience. " Leopold Müller (1982)

Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice.

"We are now faced with severe data limitations in our analyses of rock engineering problem" Evert Hoek

The fact that the criterion works, more by good fortune than because of it inherent scientific merits, is no excuse for the current lack of effort or even apparent desire to find a better way." Evert Hoek (1994)

“Good engineering geologists must be good geologists who understand engineering needs. Good geotechnical engineers must be good engineers who understand the help that geology can bring.” Peter Fookes, 2000

"The geotechnical engineer should apply theory and experimentation but temper them by putting them into the context of the uncertainty of nature. Judgement enters through engineering geology." Karl Terzaghi