Study Skills Guide


How to Study Geology

Geology is the study of the physical world we live in – the Earth and the processes that mold it. Geology addresses the Earth's materials, structures, processes and organisms in the present as well as the past. Through the study of the history of our planet, we're better able to understand the Earth as it exists in its present form and predict how it will exist in the future.

Geology is not any more difficult or easy to learn than any other academic subject.

It is a science and requires time and dedication.

It's not just about how much time you spend studying, it's how efficient you are at studying.

Below we'll explore proven study tips and strategies, that when correctly and diligently applied, will help you achieve success in studying geology.

It takes time

Studying geology requires time.

A rule of thumb: one hour of studying each day per hour of classroom lecture.

If you find your geology class a little challenging, you may need to devote 1.5 hours of study to every hour of classroom lecture.

This study time does not include the time you need to dedicate to reading your textbook. Your study time should be focused on reviewing your notes from your lectures and previous readings.

Attend class

It's important that you attend class regularly and that you pay attention.

Reviewyour notes from previous lectures

Making sure all assigned homework has been completed

Don't be afraid to ask questions... but ask good questions

It's acceptable to ask questions and seek help when you need it – just make sure you really need help before you ask a question.

If you don't know the definition of a word, try looking it up before asking your lecturer what it means.

Asking good questions is not only beneficial to you, but to everyone in your class.

Take notes

Taking good notes is the second most important thing you can do next to devoting adequate time to your studies.

Effective note taking improves your ability to learn, remember, and recall what you read and hear.

Effective note taking prepares you for class lectures and enhances your performance on quizzes and exams.

To maximize the effectiveness of your note taking, apply the following note taking strategies.

  • Make clear, legible and accurate notes that you can use later.

  • Arrive to each class prepared, having reviewed your notes from the previous lecture and assigned textbook readings.

  • Compare your notes with the notes from your classmates to make sure you captured all important concepts and information.

  • Organize your notes by date, class, and subject, to facilitate review at a later time.

  • Use symbols to abbreviate long words and use short phrases when possible to save time writing.

  • Include in your notes concepts you don't understand so that you can review them with your professor after class, with your study group, or during your next lecture.

  • Review your notes after each class.

Keep your geology notes separate from your notes from other course.

Read your textbook and REFERENCEs

If you're really interested in learning geology, reading your textbook is a must.

Always try and read the assigned chapter before coming to lecture or attending lab.

You don't need to understand all the material you read.

And you don't need to spend hours reviewing your text before class.

It's just important that you've read the material, seen the words, reviewed the diagrams and tables, and have been introduced to the concepts that are going to be discussed. Once you get to class, you'll discuss the concepts you've been introduced to through your reading in more detail.

Bring your textbook

In geology, you'll use your textbook for a lot more than just completing nightly reading assignments.

In geology, your textbook also serves as a daily reference resource for lectures and labs.

use your textbook as a reference guide for completing exercises and experiments.

As you listen to lectures and complete lab exercises, highlight diagrams, photos and tables that are referenced as they could easily appear on future quizzes and exams.

Form a study group

There are many benefits to forming a study group and meeting with your group each week. Study groups are particularly beneficial for reviewing and learning challenging concepts, enhancing learning, developing presentations and studying for exams. Study groups provide the following benefits.

  • They provide students the opportunity to teach concepts to one another, whereby enhancing their own understanding.

  • They enable students to prepare more effectively for quizzes and exams.

  • They provide opportunities to compare class notes and discuss what was covered during lectures and labs.

  • They allow students to cover more material than any one student could cover on their own.

  • They allow group members to learn from one anothers unique talents and insights.

So how do you develop an effective study group? Effective study groups share the following characteristics.

  • The most effective study groups have between 4 and 5 members.

  • Members should all be responsible and dedicated to contributing to the group.

  • Study groups should be held in areas without distraction such as a library study room.

  • Study sessions should be kept under 3 hours.

  • Group meetings should be held each week at the same time and location.

Prior to each study session, the group should discuss what they hope to achieve during the session. All group members should arrive prepared and every member should actively participate in each study session. To learn more about forming effective study groups you can read Using Study Groups.

Focus on learning processes and concepts

There are plenty of facts and definitions you'll need to acquire in order to learn geology, but don't get caught up in the thick of the thin. While important, facts and definitions do not define geology.

To really learn geology:

  • focus on learning the primary processes associated with each major subject first.

  • Then learn the key terms and concepts associated with each process.

  • Focusing your initial studies on geological processes takes a top down approach to learning geology.

  • First understand the big picture, then see individual concepts, facts and definitions.

Using this method for learning and studying geology also makes it easier to understand and remember facts and definitions, as they're acquired within the context provided by an understanding of the bigger picture.

Prepare for exams ahead of time

Schedule for exams is given, but we'll say it again.

Don't wait until the night before to start studying for your exam.

Review completed assignments, lectures, textbook, good notes prior to exams.

Rest the night before the exam.