practice of Engineering geology

GENERal INformation

Course title : Practice of Engineering Geology

Code: GEOL 3025

Duration: one week

Location: Laboratory in Pho Hien base, Hung Yen, exkursion at fields in Ha Nam and Hung Yen province

Instructor: Dr-Ing. Nguyen Quang Tuan

Language : English

Reference: Geoscience Laboratory 5th Edition, Tom Freeman;

West, Terry R., 1995, Geology Applied to Engineering, Prentice Hall

Physical Geology and

Course objectives

To explore and gain an appreciation for physical geology through the study of material and infrastructure of the earth, the relationship of it’s landforms, natural resources, living environments, and humans. Special emphasis will be placed on the principles of physical geology, earth’s internal structure, and geologic time.

  • Know how to characterize and describe rock, mineral, soil and their origins according to different properties.

  • be able to measure attitude of a geologic feature (dip and dip direction) using compass

  • be able to read geological map and inlustrate rock orienttation.

  • be able to express the rock dip and dip direction into map.

  • be able to do field work for the purpose of geological mapping, i.e. record information of soil and rock, geological structure, geological processes, etc.

  • be able to characterize the features and signs of geological process: weathering, landslide, river erosion, etc.

  • be able to interpret and analize the geotechnical in-situ testing

  • be able to compile the investigation data from different method and establish a investigation report

WOrk to be done

  • Refresh the learned knowledge of geology (focus on the lessons about soil and rocks)

  • correlate the theory to practice

  • Do soil and rock characterization

  • Study geological map, other type of maps and remote sensing images

  • In-situ test intepretation

  • Prepare reports (investigation and geotechnical reports)

  • Quizzes and Examination

Three main jobs

Laboratory work:

Students learn how to characterize, describe and classify rock and soils. Samples of rocks and soil are given

Desk - study :

  • Attitude of rock (dip and dip direction), how to measure, how to express on map

  • A geotechnical report is given to students

  • Each student draw borehole log and geotechnical cross section.

  • Write a short report on the geotechnical condition based on given borehole data

Online Field exkursion

  • Students virtual online field exkursion

  • Study at outcrops (study points):

  • Student do observation, description, analysis of geological conditions

  • Measure the dip and dip direction

  • Write a short report about field exkursion.

Working plan

Total duration = 1 week

1st day

•Meeting for general guidance and regulations: 01_GEOL3025_geological laboratory guide_online.pdf

•Soil and rock description: 02_GEOL3025_Characterisation and Desciption of Soils and Rocks.pdf

See flowing clips (in Vietnamese)

Rock and Mineral description

Soil Characterisation and Description

For reference:

Clip of rock characterization and description

Assignment 1 - soil and rock charaterization and description

  • Characterisation and Decription of soil and rock sample :

      • at least 20 samples of rock

      • at least two samples of soils

Note: save as pdf, with name (oder number of studentSTT + Name of student + assignment. Deadline: 12h00 29/12/2021.

Submit the assigments using the following link

2nd day

  • Introduction to Geologic Map : 03_GEOL3025_Geologic Map_Orientation.pdf

  • Using geologic compass: 04_GEOL3025_Geologic_compass.pdf

  • Determine shear strength of rock mass from GSI

  • Using Roclab to determine rock mass shear strength parameters.

How to measure orienation using smartphone:

Orienation of rock bed and how to depict on map:

Reference Reading:

3rd day

  • Virtual Field Trip activities

  • How to work at field 05_GEOL3025_Guide_virtual_field_trip.pdf

  • Investigate the goelogical condition at field

  • Write a report about the result of the exkursion 06_GEOL3025_Guide to Geological field trip report .pdf

Field trip TLU to Soc Son

Field trip to Dublin

Assignment 2 Field trip record

Assignment 3 Field trip report

4th day

  • Drilling, sampling and in-situ tests

    • Drilling 07_GEOL3025_Geotechnical drilling_sampling_and SPT_online_Eng.pdf

    • soil and rock sampling

    • in-situ test in borehole

    • in-situ density test, i.e. 08_GEOL3025_Field density test.pdf

    • Prepare a boreholelog, data given in 07a_List of borehole_data.pdf

Standard penetration test

Field density test :

Assignment 4 Prepare borehole log

Assignment 5 _ In-situ test calculation.

5th day

Prepare Geotechnical investigation report: 09_GEOL3025_cross section and report_online.pdf

given borehole data: 07a_List of borehole_data.pdf

see references: 09a_Sample of Geotechnical Report.pdf

Assignment 6_ Geological Investigation Profile and Report



  • Students are required to prepare for practice

  • Be on time, be active

  • Must do the Assignments and given tasks

  • Follow strictly the regulations and guidances.

  • Students MUST read the general guidances (see file 1_General Guidance.pdf) before meeting intructor.


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