Our team


Please, see the Opportunities page for details. 

Lab members

Satish Tiwari, PhD

Postdoc Associate, read more 

A.S.M. Waliullah, PhD

Postdoc Associate, read more

Kevin Qiu, BSc

Medical student, UVA School of Medicine, read more

Leran Wang

Undergrad student, UVA Biology, read more

Katelyn Do

Undergrad student, UVA pre-medicine track

Nicholas Nguyen

Undergrad student, UVA Biomedical Engineering

Jenna Sleiman

Undergrad student, UVA Biology

Nazifa Azam

Undergrad student, UVA STEM

Tuan Nguyen, PhD

Visiting scientist (volunteer)

Minh Le Tran

Summer intern, Brown University

Barbara Dziegielewska, PhD

Research Specialist

Benjamin Selwyn

Admin assistant 

Bon Q. Trinh, PhD

Principal Investigator, read more

To learn more about our lab activities, click here

Student alumni

Internship/rotation alumni

Staff alumni