Lab head

Bon  Trinh

Principal Investigator

415 Lane Rd. P.O. Box. 800904

Charlottesville, VA 22908-0904, USA 

Bon Q. Trinh, PhD

Principal Investigator, University of Virginia

Dr. Trinh is a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Pathology at the University of Virginia (UVA) and a faculty member of the Molecular Genetics & Epigenetics Program of the UVA Comprehensive Cancer Center. Prior to joining UVA, he was an instructor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a staff scientist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He has extensive research experience with gene regulations in development and cancer, including normal blood development, cancer cell proliferation, drug resistance, tumor angiogenesis, and metastasis. His research models include hematologic, gynecological, and breast malignancies. His studies employ an interdisciplinary approach spanning biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, as well as genome-wide bioinformatics and statistical analyses using normal and cancer cells, and mouse models.  Dr. Trinh has a track record of obtaining government and foundation funding to support his research. He is passionate about translating scientific discoveries to benefit patients and training the next generation of life science researchers. Outside research activities, Dr. Trinh enjoys outdoor activities with his wife and children as well as learning about computer languages to be used in his genome-wide analyses, prediction of molecular interactions, and technology transfer. Dr. Trinh is on LinkedIn, Harvard Catalyst, ResearchGateBIMS, and UVA Pathology

Committee and mentoring (selected)

Dr. Trinh serves on recruitment/review/student advisory committees for Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program and research staff at UVA, VEF2.0 program that select and mentor Vietnamese applicants for graduate studies at US universities, and postdoctoral program for Training Program for Strengthening Research Capacity in Non-Communicable Diseases in Vietnam (TSORC-NCDs-VN). He involved in Diversity and Advance Health Equity through Curricula Innovation at Harvard Medical School. He supervises and co-supervises students throughout his research career. Dr. Trinh received teaching certificates from National School of Education (Hanoi, Vietnam) and  STEM Education Solutions

Awards and Honors (selected)

2024 R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant, National Cancer Institute (NCI)

2024 4-VA UVA Collaborative Research Grant

2024 Pilot research award, Hematologic Malignancies Translational Research Team, UVA Cancer Center 

2023 Early Career Reviewer, Genomics, Computational Biology And Technologies (GCAT) study section, National Institute of Health

2023 Pilot research award, Center for Systems Analysis of Stress-Adapted Cancer Organelles and the UVACCC Biostatistics Shared Resource

2022 The American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant 

2022 DICP Faculty Fellowship, Harvard Medical School

2020 Research from Early Career Highlights (REACH) featuring studies of instructors and assistant professors, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center  

2019 Team Award of pitch competition, Harvard Healthcare Innovation and Commercialization

2018 Annual Meeting Abstract Achievement Award, American Society of Hematology

2017 K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award, National Cancer Institute

2017 F32 NRSA Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 

Courses taught (selected)

2023- Research mentor, UVA BIOL4910 Independent Research

2023 Instructor, BIMS 8993 Non-topical Research: Visiting Research Graduate Traineeship Program (VRGTP)

2022- Research mentor, UVA CHEM 3951 Undergraduate Research