What is the Difference Between a CFO & General Counsel? - The Ultimate Guid

After reading this article, you'll have a much better understanding of the role that each one plays in your business. According to Wikipedia, "General Counsel is defined in some legal systems as the second-in-command of a company or law practice. Traditionally they have been appointed by attorneys at large corporations."

Whatever your role may be - whether you are CFO, CEO of an Owner/Partner firm with multiple branches and verticals (like me), or if you're just talking with family & friends about business planning for 2017... what you need to know is all of these roles are important.

Chief Legal Officer vs General Counsel: What's the Difference? Discover the key differences between a Chief Legal Officer v General Counsel from 5 star legal recruiters at Cowen Partners. o general counsel vs chief legal officer, o chief legal officer vs general counsel, o chief legal counsel, o chief legal officer, o general counsel.

The difference between CFOs (Chief Financial Officer) and General Counsel's reporting relationship to the business - their job description, compensation packages & responsibilities may be similar but not interchangeable! Therefore it only makes sense that if you're operating in both areas or just interested in adding one more skillet while also keeping up with what comes along every day at work while wanting results for YOUR ventures...

The four faces of the chief legal officer

Ever notice the C /L in their job title? It stands for 'Chief.' This denotes a calico-colored winged horse, a symbol of a position of authority. The legal eagle is swift and poised to take action on behalf of his or her client – whenever it's needed – whether that be through following up with an insurance company for claims payments as well as personal accident benefits, drafting letters dealing with confidentiality agreements between clients and counsel.

4 Reasons to Separate CEO and Chair Positions. 

1) The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) may not share the same interests as the Chair of this particular business venture. 

2) What, in reality, will happen when there are conflicting objectives between Company X Board members and CEO? "I believe that having an internal stock monitor or system to which all directors access-controlled would be very helpful here," said one member on board.

3) Your chief legal officer can make up any doubt you have in regards to laws, rules, and regulations. "Glass-half-full or glass half empty?" your CFO might ask you on a regular basis...

4.) The smaller the company means more control - but it also means fewer people makes for less oversights. 'Nuff said? Beyond that, there are some other attributes that make up this job title.

What is the function of the general counsel at major companies?

NSPE explains that their primary role is, “To serve as a communications and legal advisor to the CEO of the company at all levels – from strategic visions through highest level personnel issues.”

The general counsel often attends annual meetings with shareholders and accords them access to meet the C-Level executives where ever they are whether on an airplane or in New York City if publically disclosed information will be shared. The Constitution of Luxembourg has.

If you are an organization looking to hire a chief legal officer, you need to consider whether you want to hire someone who is responsible for all legal matters or if you want someone who will focus on the most important aspects of your business. While this might seem like a simple question, it can be difficult to determine which type of lawyer would be best for your needs. Before making any decision, take the time to consider the following questions: o general counsel vs chief legal officer.