Audit Peak About Us

Bridging The Diversity Gap – A New Minority-Owned CPA Firm. Audit Peak is a Minority Owned Firm of CPAs Consultants Providing Cybersecurity, Consulting Risk Advisory Services. Audit Peak offers a comprehensive suite of services, including System and Organization Controls SOC1, SOC2, SOC3, Health Insurance Portability.

We are a firm of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and consultants who have worked for Big 4 accounting firms and have extensive experience auditing both legacy and cloud environments for start-ups, mid-size and large-cap companies. We love auditing, however while the aforementioned statements are facts that uses all the right buzz words, they end up missing the mark and the essence of why we are here.

Why do we really exist? REPRESENTATION. There are over 53,000 CPA firms in the U.S. and less than 1% are black owned CPA firms that provide advisory & assurance services. Per the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA), after 50 years there now exists over 650,000 CPAs in the U.S., however only an estimated 5,000 are black. That’s not a typo; the barriers to diversity and inclusion persists. We decided to make moves that started movements to change that. We decided to INSPIRE.

The next issue we wanted to address was QUALITY. Instead of selecting our “best” work-papers to be peer reviewed, feel shrouded by the “auditor” title, or tout our own Big 4 experience as if individuals without direct Big 4 experience can’t be better auditors, we wanted to create a culture of “pride in one’s work”, where if a client ever saw their related work-papers and quality checks they would know their monies were 100% well spent. No facades, no fluffs – just QUALITY.

Like the proverb “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”, at Audit Peak we are dedicated to demystifying the auditor role and teaching clients how to really align their security, strategies and processes with their organizational objectives to propel client growth and keep clients striving for higher and continuous achievement and not allowing themselves to plateau.

This is not a value proposition because the success of improving a company’s business risk and security posture will continuously be under construction.