Everything You take to Know About Conex Boxes

Whether you’ve decided to buy Conex boxes for your things or need to know more before you consider a Conex box for trade or to rent, Eagle Leasing is your stylish source.

What is a Conex Box? - Beginner's Guide & an Easy Way to Open/Close. A Conex Box is a large standardized shipping container, designed and built for intermodal freight transport Learn more with our beginner s guide.

Moment, it’s easy to spot a Conex storehouse box. People use them constantly for moving to a new home or revamping businesses — or, in some cases, converting them into homes or businesses. These Conex storehouse boxes have commodities in common with Jeep SUVs, Silly Putty, rainfall radar, and indeed conduit vid their first use passed with theU.S. service. Moment, they're more generally known as shipping holders or storehouse holders, but back in the days of World War II, they were known as “ transporters.”

The Need for Safe Transport

Throughout the war, theU.S. Army was incapacitated with weight detainments grounded on the time it took to load and discharge vessels. The Army faced another problem that small business possessors and retailers are well acquainted with loss forestallment. Because that weight was loose, it was subject to getting damaged or swiped — and that led to the Army losing plutocrat.

According to theU.S. Army Transportation Museum, the Army in‘48 started experimenting with some airman models of applicable sword holders that were able of carrying about pounds. At about 8-by-6-by-6 bases, the original Conex box confines allowed for a design with double doors on one end elevated pratfalls on the bottom and lifting rings on the top.

Successful Tests

The prototypes were successful enough for an expanded test in‘51, where a fresh 100 transporters were commissioned for use by the Far East Command in the Korean War. Used primarily to transport particulars from Japan to Korea, making their final passages on-road buses directly to supply points, they were tested and estimated for how well they carried precious, critical, or sensitive particulars.

The program was successful enough to expand. In‘52, some tweaks were made, including a name change to Container Express (the origin of the term “ Conex box”). This time, engineering inventories and spare corridors were packed from Columbus General Depot in Georgia to the Port of San Francisco, where the holders were loaded on vessels bound for Japan and Korea. Army officers plant the new boxes reduced transportation time, knocking further than 20 days off a payload that typically took about 55 days.


Conex boxes came critical for logistics support in the preceding Vietnam War. As ubiquitous as Huey copters and aces of spades, Conex boxes delivered spare corridor, inventories, and further toU.S. colors posted across the region during that war.

Demonstrating their alternate life as a usable structure, numerous of those Conex boxes noway made it back to the theU.S. They were repurposed into command posts, cellarages, drugstores, and more.

It didn’t take long for the private sector to take notice. Marketable diligence started developing their own performances of Conex boxes, and Sea-Land Container Services designed special vessels intended to carry only storehouse holders.
