Pickinfo Answer most things

Pickinfo - Answer most things!. Pickinfo.se is a channel with articles and posts that aim to answer both difficult and simple questions. Since 2017, we have been working to drive our portal forward. With us, you can therefore always rely on genuine answers with deep commitment.

How many days do you work in a year?

Answer: you work an average of 260 days in a year. Calculate your annual working hours in hours: Multiply the number of hours you.

How many countries are there in the world?

Depending on the definition you use, the number of countries in the world varies. The UN defines the world as having 195 independence.

What is a flashback forum?

In summary - one of Sweden's oldest discussion forums that has existed since the year 2000. Users rewrite basically everything and choose.

Tips on drinks

It is always a good idea to mix good drinks in order, whether you have a quiet evening at home.

How far is Sweden?

From north to south, Sweden is a full 157 km long. It's actually as far as it is to Rome!