Prevent Carpenter Ants by Exterminating Today!

You can prevent carpenter ants from infesting your yard and home in the first place by adopting a few simple practices.

Extermination Exterminators Big Black Carpenter ants Control Removal Service, Commercial Extermination, Pest Control Service, - Seattle Home pest control WA.

Keep wood dry.

Carpenter ants require three things in a nesting location: wood for building, a steady source of water, and food. Wood that is moist fulfills two of those requirements. Carpenter ants are less likely to infest your home if you remove any moist wood.

To do so, follow these steps:

Your lawn should be cleared of decaying logs, tree stumps, and fallen tree limbs as soon as possible.

Wood piles should be stored in a dry, covered location.

Make sure you keep an eye on walls behind dishwashers, air conditioners, sinks, and bathtubs, as well as other hidden areas that can easily become wet.

Replacing water-damaged wood quickly is recommended.

Your house should not be touched by any outdoor wood. The same goes for tree branches and woodpiles. Wood that touches your house can be used by carpenter ants as a bridge to enter the walls.