Lsraelsson leading online magazine

Israelsson is Scandinavia's leading online magazine that provides posts about everything between heaven and earth. You will thus find guides, reviews & deeper reports in a number of different genres.

Beer calendar

A beer calendar suits most people who want to put a golden edge on the dark and sometimes too long period before Christmas. It is an Advent calendar for adults who want to enjoy ...

Oche Gothenburg

Oche is a newly opened restaurant in Gothenburg with an exciting gastro-gaming concept. This means that it is a darts club, where you can both enjoy first-class food, and ...

Valuing companies - 5 ways to value companies | Business school

Are you thinking about how much your business is worth? Maybe you want to sell it or bring in investors? There are many different ways to value a company. Which method is best depends largely on the type of company in question, ...