About Us Dinks Dirt Cheap Gaming

My name is Michael Dinkela, or Dink for short. I have been PC gaming since I was 5 cheap pc gaming, pc game deals, pc game news, pc game deals, pc games sale, best pc game deals, which was in 1981 on a Commodore 64. I was trained to build and repair computer hardware in 1989 at the age of 12. Back at the beginning of personal computing, it was expensive. The computer I actually owned was a Tandy 1000. It had a 5.25 disk drive, RGB graphics, no hard disk, virtually no ram, and cost $1200.

In my 20’s things had improved quite a bit. I was making extra money building custom computers, often for individuals who wanted better gaming performance than a pre-build. I was often able to build these computers for $100 under the cost of a pre-built with better components and performance. It wasn’t hard to build a computer for under $250 at that time.

In today’s present, more specifically the last year, computer hardware prices have gone through the roof. In the last 10 years, software and video game prices have constantly increased. I often see individuals pay upwards of $1200 for a gaming pc, and purchase games at their full price. To many individuals this is not affordable.

I’ve run into so many people that think PC gaming is not affordable and their is not way around that, and that is untrue. The fact is you can start with PC gaming for around $100 and play brand new triple AAA titles at 1080p.

I have decided to help make PC gaming more affordable for the masses. I will be posting deals on video games and video hardware. I will also be posting articles on how to save money in building a PC, how to select a good PC, how to build a gaming nas and more.

This site can be helpful for everyone from a new PC gamer just getting their first PC to an experienced PC gamer who wants to learn new tips.

That is everything about us and why we have created this site. If you have any more questions about us, feel free to reach out to us though our contact us page.

Make sure to bookmark our page and check regularly for new content. We are always looking for, and trying to post new ways to make PC gaming more affordable.