by Keri Ramirez & Sam Harmon | October 31st, 2018

the shining

Film Synopsis: Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) becomes winter caretaker at the isolated Overlook Hotel in Colorado, hoping to cure his writer's block. He settles in along with his wife, Wendy (Shelley Duvall), and his son, Danny (Danny Lloyd), who is plagued by psychic premonitions. As Jack's writing goes nowhere and Danny's visions become more disturbing, Jack discovers the hotel's dark secrets and begins to unravel into a homicidal maniac hell-bent on terrorizing his family.

Overall Thoughts: We thought that The Shining was not so much “scary” but more unsettling. It had a good plot, developed characters, and left the audience with uneasy feelings throughout the movie. Although the movie was overall unsettling and creepy, there are some moments that make you laugh a bit, like when the camera zooms in on a face or how a character acts. This movie can be considered a classic by most, so it is a good idea to consider watching it.

Would we watch it again?: We would probably end up watching it again, since it is well known and considered perfect for Halloween.



the babadook

Film Synopsis: A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the house, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her.

Overall Thoughts: We felt that this movie had an interesting story but some scenes and plot details were unnecessary for the development of the story. The ending of the movie was somewhat confusing, but it still is unsettling. The movie is pretty creepy and has an eerie type of quiet, but some scenes lead you to start yelling at the characters. Basically, the movie can go from weird and creepy to intense and exciting.

Would we watch it again?: We probably would not jump at the chance to watch it again, as it seems like a movie to enjoy once in a while so that you can fall into the story again. But if the movie was chosen to be watched by the majority of a group in a movie marathon, there would be no objections.