
Originally published: June 20th, 2020

episode 1 reward/immunity challenge

Fire Starter Physical Race / Skill / Miscellanious Challenge

Survivor: Vanuatu kicks off with a very memorable challenge, although it's worth noting that a lot of what makes this challenge stand out so much today is in retrospect- Chris goes from certain elimination due to his poor performance in this challenge to winning the show is an awesome story, but I'm going to try and avoid being results-oriented. The challenge begins with a new obstacle, although quite similar to the army crawl from previous seasons, this "mud crawl" obstacle is simple but fun. The second stage of the challenge is straight from Survivor: Marquesas- it's a table maze. We then get what is likely the most difficult balance beam obstacle to be seen on the show thus far, and the challenge ends with using matches to build a fire. The men take the lead early on, but at the balance beam section, Chris struggles immensely, and the women are able to finish the challenge before Chris is ever able to cross it. You really feel bad for him while watching this; there's one part where the music gets really dramatic like he is about to finally makes it, but nope, he just falls again. Chris is fantastic at Survivor, so he is able to survive this blunder, and so concludes a memorable but pretty typical Survivor challenge.


episode 2 reward challenge

By the Numbers Miscellanious Challenge

This is another one of those challenges that I admire due to it being so simple, but so effective. Each tribe lines up on a balance beam- one at a time, a tribe member has to cross the balance beam, moving past their tribemates, being very careful not to fall in the water or make the people they are passing fall into the water. It's a brilliant test of balance and tribe coordination.


episode 2 immunity challenge

Four On The Floor Physical Race / Mental

Here is this season's version of Blind Leading the Blind, and once again, the challenge team is trying something new. This time, everyone is divided into groups of two, and each pair is tied together. Also, for the first time, the course includes a water section, which is something I really like in these challenges. Scout, the caller for her tribe, makes the hilarious challenge mistake of the season when she forgets a puzzle piece in the water, even after Eliza asks her if there are any more pieces in the water, and proceeds to instruct her tribe to take off their blindfolds. This results in Jeff yelling at Scout and pointing the puzzle piece, very obviously still out in the water. This makes Eliza really annoyed, and whenever Eliza is frustrated about something, it's great television. Unsurprisingly, the men win this challenge.


episode 3 reward/immunity challenge

Great Escape Run Skill / Physical Race / Mental

This challenge is going to introduce several, now common Survivor obstacles for the first time. The challenge is also divided into two parts, the first half is for Reward, and the second half is for Individual Immunity. Let's start with the first half. Essentially, there are three cage walls, and a different task has to be completed to move past each one. The first wall is quite simple- it's just untying knots. The second wall is where things get interesting; tribe members have to throw grappling hooks to try and grab onto rings which have keys, and drag them back to the cage. I've always found this obstacle to be super engaging; it's a simple task but it requires a lot of precision, and it's so easy to be so close but end up missing. At one point, Jeff asks Scout if she's going to throw the grappling hook or "dance with it-" I love when Jeff is sassy for no reason. The third wall is a unique puzzle of interlocking poles; it's tricky to describe, so I'll just say, while I admire the creativity, I don't think this portion translates very well to TV. 

So that's it for the first half, now let's talk about the individual portion of the challenge. Each person has to dig up ladder rungs from the sand, and then use them to build a ladder to climb. Now, this is different from the "Step On Up" challenge from Thailand, because there, you were making a staircase out of puzzle pieces. Here, you are making a ladder, where certain rungs only fit into certain places and you have to figure out where each rung belongs. It's a decent challenge but nothing incredibly exciting. I would describe this entire 2-part challenge as being a fun showcase of new, albeit mostly unspectacular ideas.


episode 4 reward challenge

Remembrance Mental

This is the generic memory challenge from The Australian Outback. I was quite harsh on it back then, but I think this version is a little bit better. First, I like that this is a Tribal Reward Challenge instead of an Individual Immunity Challenge; it just works a lot better as one, because challenges with any aspect of luck work better as Reward Challenges and the game of memory works better with two teams than with four people going individually. The women win- it's alright.


episode 4 immunity challenge

Tribal Tiles Mental

This is a simple but interesting puzzle- there are four different symbols, and each symbol comes in four colors. You have to move the tiles around so that none of the same colors or symbols are in the same column or row. It sounds really hard... The men just completely fall apart during this challenge, which can be kind of amusing to watch, but I've never found these giant puzzle challenges to ever be that engaging to watch- it was still good though.


episode 5 reward challenge

Dive Masters Physical Race

This is a simple challenge that I like quite a bit. The game lasts 10 minutes, and one member from each tribe at a time has to pull themselves down an underwater rope to collect markers. Each marker is deeper than the previous, making it more difficult as the challenge goes. The end of the challenge is where things get really good. Both of the tribes are very close, and the markers are now extremely deep in the water. The Lopevi's chance at winning all comes down to Chris coming back up with a marker, and they keep us in suspense. Chris finally comes back up, and at first it appears that he didn't get it, but then, he surprises everyone and reveals the marker, creating an exciting moment. Future versions of this challenge eliminate the timer aspect, which I think is a good change, but this original version is still very enjoyable.


episode 5 immunity challenge

Outwit, Outplay, Outrig Physical Race

This is a pretty creative challenge that involves gathering canoe parts to ultimately use to paddle out into the ocean to bring a flag back to shore. There are three stations in the jungle with parts that need to be retrieved, each station a bit further out than the last. One pair from each tribe is responsible for each station, and the challenge plays out like a relay race. The challenge begins pretty close, but Lopevi's lead becomes more and more apparent until they eventually win.


episode 6 reward challenge

Pig Pen Physical Race

This is the return of the challenge from Africa, except instead of goats, the Survivors have to chase down pigs, which ties very strongly into Ni-Vanuatu culture. Just like before, I'm sure there are people out there who scoff at animals being used for stuff like this, but you have to admit- this challenge is incredibly entertaining. The fact that the entire challenge takes place in a pit of mud and the pigs are so loud makes this even better and more chaotic than the original version. And the music!- the music is so absurd that it actually works. The entire thing just feels like a hilarious cartoon episode, and so this has always been one of my favorite challenges on the show.


episode 6 immunity challenge

Strung Out Physical Race / Mental

I might be alone in this, but this is one of my favorite Survivor challenges. First of all, it's an incredibly difficult challenge, in which a lot of stamina is required to succeed. Second, it's very creative and every time I watch it, I'm always just thinking "man, that's such a cool idea!" Essentially, each tribe starts out on a platform in the water, near a rope that is threaded through a whole bunch of obstacles all the way back to the shore. Each tribe member has to push a tiki segment, looped on one end of the rope, all along the rope until it gets back to the shore. This is very hard because it means you have to move yourself through all of the obstacles, including going up and over a wall and around a boat. Once all of the tiki segments are back at the shore, the tiki puzzle is assembled. This challenge will appear a couple more times on the show, and I will continue to love it each and every time.


episode 7 reward challenge

Jo-Coconut Physical Race

This challenge is kind of like the next evolution of the Coconut Juice challenge from Survivor: Marquesas. I was quite a fan of that challenge, and yet, this version manages to excite me even more. This time, instead of running around the beach in pairs of two trying to find coconuts, all of the coconuts are at the start of the course. The challenge then becomes about transfering the coconut juice in little bowls to the glass tube at the other end of the course. There's an obvious dilemma- you want to go as fast as you can in order to beat the other team, but if you go too fast, you could end up spilling the coconut juice, wasting a bunch of time for your tribe. Once the glass tube is completely full, all that's left to do is bring it back to the start. Leann almost makes the hilarious challenge mistake of the season by falling down on her way back with the glass tube, but luckily for her, none of the juice spills out.


episode 7 immunity challenge

Shoot Your Way Home Skill

This is an interesting "skill" challenge; each tribe has a grid of tiles, and tribe members have to use slingshots in order to break the tiles. The entire thing is very unremarkable, but it does add some variety into this season's pre-merge challenges.


episode 8 reward challenge

Fire Fighter Skill / Physical Race

Time for the first appearance of a sort-of-Survivor classic! One person runs to the water to fill a bucket with water. They then throw that bucket to another tribe member. The tribe member that catches the bucket then throws it to the next tribe member, and then the next. The last person who catches the bucket then has to fling the water in the bucket to another tribe member who has to catch the water in their own bucket. The first tribe to collect enough water wins the challenge. It's more simple-but-fun challenge design.


episode 8 immunity challenge

Jumper Physical Race

The first Individual Immunity Challenge of the season uses a new idea that gets repetitive pretty quickly in my opinion. The format is very similar to Keel Hauling from Survivor: Pearl Islands- there are two heats, each involving 5 Survivors, and the winners of those two heats face off in a final round. This format is okay, but I don't find the challenge itself to be very exciting. All you do is swim out, climb a tower, walk across a balance beam to grab a flag, bring it back, and repeat three times. It's definitely a physically exhausting challenge though, which I do appreciate.


episode 9 reward challenge

Head Hunter Mental

Time for another round of Survivor Quiz Show, once again using the coconut-chop format! (This time, you light each other's skulls on fire.) As per usual, I like this challenge in the way that it ties into the season's location and culture. The coconut-chop format makes it even better (assuming it's a Reward Challenge). I don't have a lot to say about it this time, except, we need to take a moment to appreciate this question: True or false- local sorcerers often participate in "magmay," a soul-cleansing ritual in which a small cup of lava is consumed to exercise spirits and evil demons... The answer may surprise you, but, as Jeff explains, "if you drank lava you would die, it would burn all of your internal organs," and so apparently the answer is false- not everyone answered false.


episode 9 immunity challenge

Memory Mosaic Mental

This is a very different type of challenge- Jeff presents everyone a mosaic puzzle to memorize, which they will then be given a set amount of time to recreate exactly on their own puzzle boards. Anyone who fails to complete the task is eliminated. I think stuff like this is pretty interesting, and it wouldn't at all surprise me to learn that I'm higher on this challenge than most people. But when it comes to mental challenges in Survivor, I like ones like this where the audience can sort of play along with the contestants. Also, it's good to have a little variety in the types of challenges that appear on the show.


episode 10 reward challenge

Sacrificial Lamb Physical Race

This is another very physically demanding challenge. One person on each team is tied to a rope with their hands tied, so the rest of their team has to help carry them through the course, which entails multiple obstacles through which a lot of teamwork is required to maneuver. One of the final obstacles is the return of an obstacle from Survivor: Thailand, where the tribe has to dig underneath a log so that the "sacrificial lamb" is able to squeeze through. It's a very entertaining challenge, and one of the hardest of the season.


episode 10 immunity challenge

Get a Grip Endurance

Out of all of the challenges that first appeared in Survivor: Vanuatu, there's no question that this is the most famous of all. It's for good reason too- it's another one of those challenges that's so simple- but extremely difficult. Everyone holds onto a pole, last person still hanging on wins. It doesn't take long for everyone to fall off, leaving Twila as the first ever person to win this legendary Immunity Challenge.


episode 11 reward challenge

Played Out Mental

This is about as basic a Survivor challenge is ever going to get. Everyone sits on a log to try and answer five trivia questions pertaining to previous challenges of the season. It's... just kind of boring.


episode 11 immunity challenge

Love is Blind Physical Race / Mental

Just like in Survivor: Thailand, the Loved Ones return to play in the episode's Immunity Challenge along with the Survivors. This challenge is kind of just another variant of Blind Leading the Blind; the Survivors act as the callers for their Loved Ones who have to retrieve three bags of puzzle pieces, which they then use to assist their partner in a puzzle. It's pretty enjoyable to watch, especially with Eliza's loved one seemingly refusing to listen to what she has to say. When it gets down to the puzzle, there is a lot of emotion, because Chris is certain that he needs to win or else he is to be voted out that night, and even though the challenge is very close, Chris comes out short. (Spoiler alert, he doesn't get voted out!)


episode 12 reward challenge

Troubled Water Physical Race

This is a really fun challenge; it's essentially a big obstacle course floating atop the crystal clear water. The first three players to retrieve all three of their flags by repeating the course three times win the challenge. Because it's on the water, everything is very wobbly, making the challenge quite difficult. There's a lot of people falling over in this challenge too, so if that's your type of thing, you'd love this.


episode 12 immunity challenge

Island Hopping Skill

We saw a shuffleboard challenge in Survivor: The Amazon, and this challenge is quite similar, with a few very interesting changes that, in my opinion, make it a much more interesting challenge. I actually kind of forgot about this before going back and looking at all of these challenges, but something that makes this version of Survivor Shuffleboard unique is that instead of trying to see who can land a puck closest to the center when the game is over (which I found to be very unfair as whoever goes last has a huge advantage), in this version, whoever has the most pucks on any of the islands on the board wins. I think it's a really neat change, and it adds a lot more strategy to the challenge. On top of that, each of the islands have a "volcano," that is, a small indenture for which the Survivors can aim, landing a puck there guaranteeing it will not be knocked out for the remainder of the game- another really cool addition. I actually really like this version of Survivor Shuffleboard!


episode 13 reward challenge

Redemption Physical Race / Skill / Mental

It wouldn't be an early Survivor season without a nice little Survivor Pentathlon near the end of the season! Just like in All-Stars, this is an elimination-style challenge rather than one really long obstacle course. It combines elements from four previous challenges, including the pig challenge, which I kind of love. One of the rounds is to solve the tiki puzzle from "Strung Out," and Chris accidently leaves a piece of the puzzle on the ground which costs him the challenge, which is unfortunate but fun to watch. Once again, it's a great challenge.


episode 13 immunity challenge

Warrior Mental / Physical Race

SURVIVOR FOLKLORE!!! It's been a while since we've seen this (fantastic) challenge (that is one of the best challenges on the show), so the fact that it finally reappears on this season makes it even more exciting. This time, Jeff tells the Survivors a rather gruesome story about the Melanesian chief, Roy Mata. Roy Mata conquered the land of Vanuatu and sought to bring peace to the land, which he did, but fifteen years later, he was murdered by his brother. The locals were afraid of the power of Roy Mata's spirit, so they took his body and buried it in a remote location, along with his 18 assistant chiefs, all of their wives, and all of his wives. The men were drugged to relaxation before being buried alive, but the women were strangled to death... No one visited the land again for seven centuries- in the finale episode, it is revealed that the island Roy Mata was buried on was the island the Survivors had seen in the distance during the entire season, that revelation being one of my all time favorite Survivor moments. The challenge also has another unique twist that I find to be pretty interesting- instead of simply reading the question and picking the answer, you have to open a box and solve a small puzzle in the box' lid to reveal the question. Obviously, when you close the box, the puzzle pieces fall out which means the next person to visit that station has to reassemble the puzzle. It's a nice little idea! Anyway, I think I better end it here or else I'll just keep rambling on about how much I love Survivor Folklore.


episode 14 immunity challenge

Snakes & Ladders Physical Race / Mental

We've seen many mazes on Survivor, both before and after this season. However, they've only done this once- That's a tragedy. It's a tragedy because the "vertical maze" of Survivor: Vanuatu - Islands of Fire is one of the coolest challenges to ever appear on Survivor. I don't even have to explain anything with this one- anyone can tell, just by looking at it, that this is something special. PLEASE John Kirhoffer, DO THIS AGAIN!


episode 14 final immunity challenge

Ready, Aim, Don't Fire Endurance

Endurance-based Final Immunity Challenge? Check. Ties into Ni-Vanuatu culture? Check. Really awesome location? Check. The underdog wins in the end? Check!!! That's Vanuatu's fantastic final Immunity Challenge for you- much luck the previous Immunity Challenge, they have only done this one time, which actually surprises me, because it looks simple enough to set up and could be a great challenge to use when there are still a lot of players left in the game. Essentially, everyone has these giant bows, and they have to pull back on the bow, entering the "warrior pose," and hold that position while standing barefoot on logs for as long as they can. If they release the tension, the arrow will pierce through the white disc, and you're out. After over an hour, Chris wins the challenge, and I just really love this one. And it's definitely not just because of the challenge design, it's all of the other stuff I mentioned too. It is such a clever way to incorporate culture into the final challenge of the season, and again, the scenery here is stunning. It's some sort of lagoon-like setting like nothing we had previously seen on the season, and it makes me quite happy.


Final Thoughts

Survivor: Vanuatu had a very good batch of challenges- there's a lot of variety here, and I think I would go as far as to say that Vanuatu has some of the best challenge-pacing of any season. There's just enough mental stuff, there's just enough physical stuff, and there's just enough endurance challenges for everything to feel perfectly complete (dexterity challenges haven't been invented yet, but just you wait!). Vanuatu also has an incredibly satisfying mix of old and new challenges. Fan favorites like Witch Hunt, Blind Leading the Blind, and Survivor Quiz Show with the coconut-chop format are all back, but there are much more new challenges, including soon-to-be Survivor classics like Get a Grip, Dive Masters, and Fire Fighter. If I were to have any complaint, I would say that this season's challenges leave a bit to be desired from a cultural perspective— Stuff like Witch Hunt and Pig Pen are fantastic, but this season has noticeably less of that type of stuff than previous seasons up to this point— just an observation. (Although it has far more than any modern seasons, so I'm definitely not trying to be too nitpicky here!)

Average Challenge Score: 3.46

Ranking Overall So Far: 4/9

If you have any comments, questions, feedback, or just want to reach out to me, send an email to!