
Originally published: April 29th, 2020

Episode 1 reward/immunity challenge

Quest For Fire Physical Race

The first ever challenge to appear on Survivor— I think that makes it instantly iconic. And there's something so satisfying about a fire-related challenge being the first one ever. Each tribe has to light a series of torches scattered throughout the water, carrying along a raft with a lit fire. The challenge itself may not have a ton of substance, but it most certainly has a legacy.


episode 2 immunity challenge

Buggin' Out Miscellaneous Challenge

I have always loved the food eating challenges on Survivor because it is such a different kind of challenge compared to anything else they have to do. In Season 1, the only item on the menu was beetle larvae, so this is nowhere near peak Survivor food eating challenge, but still, it's a food eating challenge nonetheless; plus, Gervase is great here.


episode 3 reward challenge

Treasure Chest Physical Race

It is very easy to tell that this is an early Survivor challenge. It is incredibly basic, where all each tribe has to do is swim into the ocean to get a treasure chest and then bring it back to shore. Personally, I've never been a big fan of challenges like this that just involve going out to the ocean and then coming back. This challenge is unimpressive, but it would set the groundwork for many better challenges to come.


episode 3 immunity challenge

Rescue Mission Physical Race

There's just something so charming about this challenge. I also love it when they have the castaways build something they are going to use in the challenge back at camp, prior to running the challenge. It's also one of those challenges that feels like it would be so out of place if it were to appear in a modern season, and I kind of appreciate it for that reason. It appears a couple more times down the road, but it's extra weird in Borneo, and I think that makes it better.


episode 4 reward challenge

SOS Signal Miscellaneous Challenge

I might be in the minority here, but I love these oddball challenges they used to do where the tribes have to work on what is essentially a huge project and then be judged by a figure of authority afterward. I can also see why some people might not like it. I just find it to be another really charming one. Plus, is there a challenge that better fits the theme of "Survivor" than building a distress signal to be rescued?


episode 4 immunity challenge

Buried Treasure Physical Race

This challenge was essentially one giant relay race. All of the stages were relatively simple, like rowing a boat and running through the jungle, but the challenge still manages to be entertaining, if a bit forgettable.


episode 5 reward challenge

Choose Your Weapon Skill

The very first "weapons" challenge to appear on Survivor. Can we just appreciate the history here? What I love about this one is that part of it involves them attacking fruit. I feel like some people are probably higher on these types of challenges than I am, but I still always find them to be very entertaining and I appreciate the variety they (used to) offer to the show.


episode 5 immunity challenge

Shipwrecked Physical Race

This is another challenge that I can really appreciate for playing into this season's theme of survival. One member of each tribe had to paddle out and retrieve the rest of their tribe from the ocean. It's not terribly exciting to watch, but it just feels like such a classic for whatever reason, and I always get a lot of enjoyment out of watching this one.


episode 6 reward challenge

Abandoned Barrocks Physical Race

Let me just say for the record, I have a huge bias towards night time challenges. I don't know exactly why, but something about them just makes me giddy. This is the first "night time" challenge we ever get on Survivor, and it has its strengths and weaknesses. It's a very interesting concept, and comes with quite an impressive set. Members from each tribe have to race into the "abandoned barracks" to collected specific items for their tribe. It's fun when someone accidentally grabs a duplicate item, and on a production-side, you can tell they put a lot of effort into the music during this challenge. But on the other hand, some of this really just doesn't translate super well to TV. We as an audience don't know where any of the items are, so it's kind of like we're just watching an Easter egg hunt in the dark and you never know if anyone is hot or cold. In similar challenges, like in Survivor Folklore which will debut later this season, we get to play along easier. This isn't quite as fun. The cinematography is pretty rough, which also hampers enjoyment a bit. I think this is a really cool challenge that had a ton of ambition, perhaps more than the show was capable of delivering on its very first season.


episode 6 immunity challenge

The Obstacle Course Physical Race

The very first obstacle course to be seen on Survivor and— oh boy, this type of challenge isn't going away any time soon. There's something unique about this one though; I like how they played up the whole "military" aspect of the course, and I admire the interesting location on an atoll.


episode 7 immunity challenge

Snake Island Relay Miscellaneous Challenge / Physical Race

The first ever Individual Immunity challenge— it is simple and great. Who can hold their breath the longest? In any other season, this would probably feel out of place, but it just fits in so well with the rest of Borneo's survival-themed challenges, especially at the Merge. The second, race part of this challenge is just fine. Also, anyone who says that Winners at War's theme song is the most out of place piece of Survivor music needs to relisten to what they play here, because it's hysterical.


Episode 8 reward challenge

Survivor Archery Skill

Another "skill"-categorized challenge, I don't think this one needs much of an explanation. It's fun, because there are bows and arrows, but it's also really, really basic. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, there is often greatness in simplicity. Still, I think this challenge could have used a little extra pizzazz somehow.


episode 8 immunity challenge

End of the Line Physical Race

This is where the castaways have to navigate ropes using carabiners; we only see it in Seasons 1 and 2, and yet, to me it still feels like such a memorable challenge. I've always enjoyed this one.


episode 9 reward challenge

Out on a Limb Physical Race

I think this is the first challenge we've gotten to where the pure scope of the challenge itself is something to admire. We are going to see this idea quite a few more times throughout Survivor, the whole "jungle gym with different paths," and I don't think I'm alone in saying I love it every time. Cheers to the birth of a Survivor classic!


episode 9 immunity challenge

Squared Off Mental

And here we go, the first purely mental challenge to appear on Survivor. Let me just say, I love this one. We've only seen it a few times, but it's a classic. It's like one big puzzle that everyone gets to play at the same time, and it's fun to watch as a spectator, seeing peoples' games come to an end as they realize they have been trapped. It's one I really wish they would use more often.


episode 10 reward challenge

Bamboozled Physical Race

This is the first Survivor challenge that runs in an "elimination-style" format– I'm a fan of this format. The challenge design itself though is about as exciting as the reward (a single slice of pizza), as the only obstacles are balance beams. Still, I really like how it's set up.


episode 10 immunity challenge

Fast Fire Miscellaneous Challenge / Physical Race

Okay, this is an interesting one... I've never been into the challenges where the only task is to build a fire. It's just so... I don't know, just not very interesting? It's certainly appropriate but I just felt it's never made for very good television (it's better when it's just 2 people, definitely). However, I do like how in this season, the materials they need are scattered around and the flame itself is out in the ocean. But I don't know, I'm sure some people like this stuff more than I do. Other things this challenge has going for it are that in this season, it fits the recurring theme of survival we see in the challenges quite well, and the sunset-scenery is very nice and unique.


episode 11 reward challenge

Survivor Quiz Show Mental

Hey look, it's the Survivor: Africa tiebreaker challenge! All jokes aside though, here's a challenge that we are going to see a lot during the first 20 seasons or so, that is then going to pretty much completely disappear. Do you know what? That's a shame, because I thoroughly enjoy this simple trivia contest, especially as it ties into the season's "theme" or location. If the majority of challenges were like this, then that'd be super lame, but with the fact that Survivor normally consists of really physical challenges, this can just be so refreshing.


episode 11 immunity challenge

Walk the Plank Endurance

Finally, we have our very first endurance challenge to appear on Survivor. I have nothing against endurance challenges, but man, could you imagine a modern Survivor season lasting 5 episodes into the Merge without one? Anyway, this one is pretty cool. It's very "willpower" based, which can be excellent, however this challenge doesn't really end in a dramatic way, and after less than 3 hours. However, I love the obnoxious singing in this challenge, and anyone who's listened to The Evolution of Strategy is sure to appreciate "never-nude Probst."


Episode 12 reward challenge

Mud Pack Physical Race

This is the first challenge to appear on Survivor that I feel was truly magnificent. We are going to see this mud-collecting challenge a couple more times, and those are also great, but I admire how this version takes place in a natural mud volcano; I just find that to be so cool. And there is something so heartwarming about seeing this iconic Final 5 having so much fun in the mud. I think we have our first 5/5 challenge!


Episode 12 immunity challenge

Witch Hunt Mental / Physical Race

This is my favorite challenge of Survivor: Borneo. I mean, this is just top tier Survivor in general. Let me just begin by saying I love this "Folklore" challenge, and honestly, it's one of my 2 favorite recurring challenges. Is Borneo's version the best? I Dunno. Is Jeff's story about "Malaysian Folklore" a bit too corny? I Dunno. Is it weird that Survivor randomly decided to parody the Blair Witch Project? I DUNNO.


episode 13 immunity challenge 

Fallen Comrades Mental

Alright, we're kicking off the finale with another quiz challenge, this time about eliminated contestants rather than general knowledge. This is fun, but for some reason I find the Borneo version to be very unmemorable, especially compared to its future appearances. Overall, it's okay.


episode 13 final immunity challenge

Hands on a Hard Idol Endurance

I don't think I'm being histrionic when I say that this very well may be the most iconic challenge in the history of Survivor. And for good reason– it's pure willpower, and it is played at the Final 3. There's something so spectacular about watching a "whoever wants it most" challenge where the winner is guaranteed 1 in 2 chance at receiving a million dollars. What makes Borneo's rendition of this challenge even better though is Richard's amazing, way ahead-of-his-time decision to throw the challenge, knowing he would be taken to the Final 2 no matter the outcome. This is a legendary challenge.


Final Thoughts

Overall, Survivor: Borneo has an impressive selection of challenges, especially given that it is the first season of the show. It doesn't have a lot of outstanding challenges (I'd say all 3 of them come at the end of the season), but it definitely has a lot of really good ones, and so much of what Borneo does with its challenges sets the stage for what challenges are going to look like for years to come. It doesn't surprise me that we rarely see challenges anymore that debuted in Borneo; the majority of them would feel out of place in Survivor today, and it doesn't have a lot of "iconic" challenges like some of the other early seasons like Africa. Still, most of what we get is great, with a lot of variety and a lot of new ideas; Borneo unsurprisingly introduced more new challenges than any other season.

Average Challenge Score: 3.17

Ranking Overall So Far: 1/1 (Best so far!)

If you have any comments, questions, feedback, or just want to reach out to me, send an email to!