
Originally published: May 2nd, 2020

Episode 1 Reward/immunity challenge

Trail Blazer Physical Race

Survivor: Africa is known for being one of, if not the most difficult season of Survivor, and the season's first challenge, another new adaptation of "Quest for Fire," makes this reality brutally clear. This is easily the most difficult version of this challenge we have seen so far, and its difficulty is what makes it so engaging to watch. Much like last season's first challenge, I think this is a great challenge to kick off the season.


episode 2 reward challenge

Stairway to the Stars Physical Race

The season's first Reward Challenge is another difficult physical race. Essentially, logs have to be transported through a series of obstacles and then used to build a staircase up to the top of a platform. It's an action-packed challenge, and a clear indicator that Africa's challenges aren't getting any easier.


episode 2 immunity challenge

Safari Supper Miscellaneous Challenge

Once again, the season's second Immunity Challenge is a food-eating competition, and holy cow, they're drinking blood— that they retrieved from a cow only minutes prior. I love what they do here- I feel like there's a shock factor in this food challenge that has never been topped since; it is easily the best food-eating challenge in the series so far.


episode 3 reward challenge

Rock 'n Roll Physical Race

Another unbelievably difficult challenge, the two tribes have to push giant balls through an obstacle course, and this is rough. I love how dramatic all of the challenges have been so far this season, and this makes four for four.


Episode 3 immunity challenge

Distress Signal Miscellaneous Challenge

It's the return of the SOS Signal challenge from Season 1, and this time, it's even better! I already mentioned how I love these types of challenges, and this is one of my favorite renditions of it. The Boran tribe's spirit is so electric, and the upbeat music that plays during the challenge is fantastic. I also think that this season's flat location really benefits this challenge, as it allows the distress signals to pop a bit more in the midst of such a barren landscape. I want this challenge back in a modern season so bad.


episode 4 reward challenge

Caught in the Web Physical Race

Here's the introduction of a challenge we are going to see a couple more times on the show— one at a time, tribe members have to race up a net to retrieve items and then carry them back to their tribe's basket. It's another fun, high-energy challenge, if only a bit repetitive.


episode 4 immunity challenge

Movin' on Up Physical Race

Here, we get a challenge that really plays into the culture of Africa. To simulate the ways of the nomadic tribes of East Africa, each tribe has to disassemble a camp, transport it 200 yards uphill, and then reassemble it. In the scorching heat of Kenya, this is yet another extremely difficult challenge. I appreciate the cultural reference, and I think even on its own, this is a really fun and unique idea for a challenge.


episode 5 reward challenge

Get Your Goat Physical Race

I know this is a challenge that some probably disagree with, because it obviously falls into the category of using animals as entertainment. But I'm not here to debate the ethics of the challenge, I'm only here to discuss how it holds up as a challenge, and with that being said, it's hard to deny the entertainment this challenge provides. Take the fun music and tie-in to African culture into consideration, and I think we have a pretty good challenge here.


episode 5 immunity challenge

Puzzle of Shields Mental / Physical Race

To me, this challenge kind of falls into the same pitfall last season's slide puzzle challenge falls into. It's just too simple and static. There is a physical component where they have to run to retrieve the pieces, but the majority of the challenge is just watching people put a puzzle together, and without any commentary from Jeff, it just kind of drags on. (I will say, however, the music they play when Samburu wins (I Can See It) is my favorite piece of music on Survivor.)


episode 6 reward challenge

Africa 102 Mental

Just like in The Australian Outback, "Survivor Quiz Show" is back, and being used as a tribal challenge. I still don't like it here as much as I would if it were an individual challenge, but it's still a fun, culture-related challenge with which the audience can play along, so I enjoy it.


episode 6 immunity challenge

Spear-it Hunt Skill

Time for a weapons challenge! The Survivors have to shoot flaming arrows at targets, and the first team to burn all of their targets wins. It's simple, but it's really fun. This challenge also has the unintentional humor of Frank, who talked up his archery skills relentlessly before missing every shot in the challenge.


episode 7 immunity challenge

When It Rains, It Pours Endurance

Here it is everyone, the birth of an all-time Survivor classic! And oh my gosh, does it start with a bang. For starters, this is just such a novel concept. Nowadays, endurance challenges are a lot more common, and we see all sorts of different torture-devices, but back in Season 3, this was an incredibly different type of challenge. It's really great- another super difficult one, but not in a way that feels unfair in the slightest. During this challenge, in a very sweet moment, T-Bird breaks out in song, and after six hours, she wins the first individual Immunity Challenge of the season.


episode 9 reward challenge

Stomp-ede Skill

This is another challenge that becomes something of a classic, that debuts here in Survivor: Africa. It's a simple but fun concept, where you have to catapult items into a basket overhead, and the first person to get all of their items into the basket wins.


episode 9 immunity challenge

Box Your Mind Mental / Physical Race

And here's yet another Survivor classic originating in Africa. Jeff allows the Survivors a short amount of time to study items, and then they have to gather items to recreate what they saw. I like how in Africa's version, all of the items are very much Africa-related, and they actually have to race out and search for what they are looking for. I think this is a really good mental challenge. Also, Ethan is super impressive here.


episode 10 reward challenge

Obstacle Course Physical Race

This is pretty much the exact same idea we saw in The Australian Outback's obstacle course challenge: Pairs of 2 race against each other in an elimination-style challenge, where the same course is run three times overall. I gave this challenge a 2/5 in The Australian Outback, but I think that Frank and Brandon's unlikely victory gives this version bonus points.


episode 10 immunity challenge

Light It Up Miscellaneous Challenge / Physical Race

I've mentioned before that I just don't find this "Fast Fire" challenge very interesting. Like in Borneo, they have to race out to get their materials, but instead of going into the ocean, they just have to run a few yards to a pile of supplies. I just find it to be really generic.


episode 11 reward challenge

Survivor Auction Miscellaneous Challenge

The Survivor Auction is back, and it's just as awesome as it was in The Australian Outback! Actually, I would say this one is even more awesome, mostly because of how great of characters we have here in the Africa Final 7. Tom's "he's a Jew!" celebration is one of mine and many others' favorite Auction moments.


episode 11 immunity challenge

African Folklore Mental / Physical Race

It looks like it's time for me to talk about how obsessed I am with this challenge for the third season in a row. FOLKLORE!!! This time, we get possibly the most gruesome story of any of this challenge's renditions, about the rough, depressing life of the Samburu Warrior. The challenge itself is incredibly entertaining, especially towards the end as it comes down to Frank and Lex being neck and neck. Lex loses one of his ostrich eggs (that's right, ostrich eggs), giving Frank a chance to take the lead, but Lex finds it just in time, taking the win. The only thing that could have made this challenge better is if it were done at night time, but that's like complaining there are too few sprinkles in an already delicious cake.


episode 12 reward challenge

Know Your Loved One Mental

This is the 2nd "Loved Ones Challenge" we get on Survivor, and this is a massive improvement over what we got in The Australian Outback. It's an incredibly simple game, but it works. The Survivors and their loved ones are all asked the same question, and each pair has to write the same answer to score a point. This challenge is well-designed, heartwarming, and funny. What more could you ask for from a Loved Ones Challenge?


episode 12 immunity challenge

Pot Shots Skill

This is the return of "Blue Plate Special" from last season, a challenge I praised for being a fun weapons challenge that also encourages the revealing of the pecking order, as you can choose whose pots you try to shatter. The only difference is this season, instead of Australian macadamia nuts, the Survivors throw the admittedly more exciting "Ringas," a traditional African weapon.


episode 13 reward challenge

Swahili Scramble Mental

Here is our first ever "Word Scramble" to appear on Survivor, Survivor's rebranding of a word search. Yeah, it's really simple, but at least it's not just a wordsearch. All of the words (which are Swahili words, which is a nice touch) need to be found so that the intersection points can be unscrambled, revealing a final word. Not great, but not bad.


episode 13 immunity challenge

Second Chance Physical Race / Mental

Once again, we have the "Survivor Pentathlon," a giant obstacle course consisting of a whole bunch of different elements from past challenges. It's really a great time, I love these "second chance" challenges.


episode 14 immunity challenge

Fallen Comrades Mental

Fallen Comrades is back, calling back to Borneo in its usage as the penultimate Immunity Challenge. I think this is the best rendition yet– having this challenge be the second to last challenge instead of the final challenge is so much better. They also made the questions a bit more difficult from last time, which helps a lot. Now of course, we have to acknowledge perhaps this season's most infamous moment- the "who has no piercings" question. In case you don't know, Lex lost a point for answering Lindsey instead of the answer the producers had in mind, Kelly. The producers didn't know Lindsey also had no piercings, which lost Lex the point he needed to win the challenge. Then, Lex gets voted out. It is a super unfortunate mistake on production's part, but I don't think that takes away from the quality of the challenge.


episode 14 final immunity challenge

Hard Idol Endurance

It's back— with a shortened title, but back nonetheless. I think to this day, "Hands on a Hard Idol" is the most iconic final immunity challenge, which was, of course, last seen in Season 1. It's a fantastic challenge, all coming down to willpower. After 3 hours, Kim Johnson won a well-deserved immunity.


Final Thoughts

Survivor: Africa has great challenges, and I think people know it. It's one of the things that stands out most about the season. Some of the hardest challenges we've ever seen, some of the most dramatic challenges we've ever seen, and several classics that were introduced for the first time. I think this season did the best out of the first 3 seasons at incorporating culture into its challenges— even if it was just simple things, like using Swahili words in a word search; all of it is appreciated, and it really contributes to a season that already had a great set of challenges.

Average Challenge Score: 3.63 (Best so far!)

Ranking Overall So Far: 1/3

If you have any comments, questions, feedback, or just want to reach out to me, send an email to!