The Black-Haired Hider

ASP-??? The Black-Haired Hider:

This ASP stands at an unknown height taller than that of an average human. It has a pale, gaunt face and has stringy jet-black hair that hangs down from it's face, recorded in some instances at 3-4 feet in length. This creature will interact with people and once approached within 3-4 meters, will back up further away in an unconventional manner; It has been seen ducking behind trees and reappearing almost instantaneously behind a further tree when this occurs. This backing away behavior is similar to that of hide-behinds or spirit orbs/will o' wisps. Once a target terminates its approach on the creature it seemingly will stay in place. It has also been seen throwing balls towards people. The creature seems to watch without emotion. It is unknown where this creature lurks but has been seen in the forest.

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