ASP-003 Protosaber:
ASP-003 appears to have a futuristic aesthetic indicated by the metallic base of the object. The object has a power pack separate from the hilt that is to be worn on the user’s hip. A custom manifold is used in the device to aid in transporting the gas used for ignition by holding the pipes internally. The power pack makes use of compressed liquid propane gas outputting roughly 49.6 megajoules per kilogram. The object uses a large array of nozzles that make use of the fluid dynamic property laminar flow to create a highly concentrated flow of gas to create a plasma beam. To achieve maximum temperature, complete combustion is required. This is accomplished by using oxygen alongside the compressed liquid propane gas. A circuit uses proportional control valves to control the flow of gas to allow for the plasma beam to ignite and retract with the press of a button. This model is the STRONTIUM PLASMA 4500°.
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