Note: A site can be an object with special properties that The ASP Foundation has or will acquire for research, safety, and collection.
Description: See ASP-003.
History: Created by Hacksmith industries with various prototypes. Smaller versions have been distributed previously.
Current Status: ASP Foundation asset. All prototypes currently held by its creator.
Reproducibility Status: Laborious and costly but can be reproduced.
Description: See ASP-005.
History: Created by Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corporation with any further prototypes hidden from public view.
Current Status: All high level prototypes currently held by its creator.
Reproducibility Status: Easily reproduced.
Description: See ASP-007.
History: Created by Gravity Industries with multiple moderate improvements made over the years.
Current Status: ASP Foundation temporary asset. All prototypes currently held by its creator.
Reproducibility Status: Technically reproducible.
Hexam heads
Description: Small stones molded to look like a face. Summons a goatman-like creature in the area on occasion, presumably from another plain or dimension, or manifests the creature.
History: Was found in a backyard. Was later acquired by Frank Hyde. In 1984 he diead and the location of the heads was lost. His experiments on the heads were never released
Current Status: Location unknown
Reproducibility Status: Not currently reproducible
ASP Cursed Doll
Description: A doll with strange properties. Possibly contains a spirit.
History: The ASP Foundation acquired the artifact from an old woman with a warning about the artifact. Was set down then disappeared a few days later.
Current Status: Missing
Reproducibility Status: Unknown
Betz Sphere
Description: The metallic sphere is the size of a bowling ball and has been observe to do the following: produces a magnetic field and radio waves. Reacts to sound with vibrations and further sound. Agitate animals. Rings back like a bell when hit. Shaking the object produces a faint rattling noise originating from within the artifact. After such shaking the object can move on its own in a circle. The ball rolls upwards when on an incline. Movement of the object is greater and faster when in sunlight. At times the sound of music and doors moving can be heard when the object is within the vicinity.
History: The artifact was first found in the center of a forest fire after the land had already been scorched.
Current Status: Location unknown
Reproducibility Status: Not currently reproducible
James Dean's car
Description: "Little Bastard" is a supposedly cursed car, nothing explicitly supernatural is involved and this may be a regular car..
History: Many incidences have been caused by this car causing many deaths and injury's.
Current Status: Missing
Reproducibility Status: Unknown
Carl Pruitt's Grave
Description: Carl Pruitt's Grave is a stone grave previously located at the resting place of a man who killed his wife and then himself. It has strangely shaped plants growing on it.
History: The grave is said to be cursed. The grave seems to supernaturally self repair. Any who degrades or damages the grave stone ends up strangled by wire or chain with up to 6 victims of such a nature.
Current Status: Buried or moved
Reproducibility Status: Unknown
Golden Eagle
Description: 1964 Dodge 330 Limited Edition which is supposedly cursed.
History: Bought by the police department. Later "caused" many incidences including the death of all associated. Was colored after being sold by the police. at some point the fire department also bought it and sold it later. Nothing explicitly paranormal occurred except for strange electrocutions, and random activation of functions like the car door and seatbelt simultaneously and wheels moving on their own. The feeling of cold hands was felt on the seatbelt when it unbuckles. The car seems to kill, expose, torture, or injure those it does not like. The firefighters liked it.
Current Status: Scrapped for parts.
Reproducibility Status: Unknown
Robert the doll
Description: A doll with strange properties. Possibly cursed. Has a sailors uniform.
History: Was made for a boy from a servent. Said to have destroyed a room and made deep or demonic voices and laughs.
Current Status: Held by East Martello Museum
Reproducibility Status: Unknown
Mandy the doll
Description: A doll with strange properties. Possibly possesses. Seems to teleport or at least move.
History: Disrupts electronic devices and has tempur tantrums that effect objects around it.
Current Status: Held by Quesnel City Museum
Reproducibility Status: Unknown
Letta the doll
Description: A doll with strange properties. Possibly can move on its own.
History: Found in abandoned Australian home.
Current Status: Held by the Walton home in Australia as an attraction of sorts.
Reproducibility Status: Unknown
Corpse of The Baby Aleshenka
Description: The Baby Aleshenka is an alien baby. that was found on the side of the road. A Russian woman took it in andcared for it after
History: The Baby Aleshenka is an alien baby that was found on the side of the road. A Russian woman took it in and cared for it after and named it after one of her deceased grandsons. Neighbors called the police or medical services because they thought she was crazy. They took her away screaming and despite this they never checked for a child. As a result the child died of neglect and was found by a friend of the Russian mother. It was analyzed and was determined to be alien. In the end aliens took the baby back(or possibly government agents or a wealthy collector). The Russian woman was killed in a seemingly deliberate hit and run.
Current Status: In the hands of aliens or government agents or a wealthy collector
Reproducibility Status: Possible once contact is made