Case-based learning

This page tells you the basics of the case-based learning approach, how to use it in your teaching, and also how to combine it with other approaches.

In case-based learning, students work on a case that very often is a story made by a teacher. The story is aligned with the goals of the course. By working with the case, students learn to solve real-life situations with help of a teacher or peer students.

In the TeamWe project, case-based learning was combined with flipped learning and team learning forming the case-based collaborative learning approach. That approach and also the cases built and used in the TeamWe project are presented at the end of the page.

Explore the material and get excited!

What is Case-based Learning about?

About Case-based learning by Joxerra Comez from TKNIKA

A SWOT of Case-Based Learning by TeamWe teachers

Preparing and facilitating case-based learning

Case-based collaborative learning (CBCL) as an example of case-based learning