Case Ana María

Ana María

Ana María is 80 years old and she lives alone in an old house full of furniture and antique objects. She has a son who lives in a nearby town who visits her once a week. She is a cheerful woman, she likes reading, watching TV, playing cards and chatting on the phone with her 3 friends.

Ana Maria is diabetic and she also has macular degeneration in both eyes which causes her to have a strong decrease in visual acuity that affects her near vision. Due to this vision problem, she can no longer do the things she likes to do, which makes her a little bit down.

Because of her problem, she cannot read, recognize faces or objects up close. She has trouble finding the buttons on the electrical appliances in the house. She also has problems with cooking because she confuses some foods with others and also confuses the products as she cannot see the labels well, and she has problems with the recognition of money, to read the electricity and gas bills...

On the other hand, two months ago, she fell at home and subsequently she has started to use a cane to get around because she feels more confident.