Case Geert & Trijntje

Geert and Trijntje

Geert is 83 years old and nothing is wrong with him, except that he is a bit forgetful and therefore writes a lot of things down in a notebook. He is reasonably up to date. He can operate a mobile phone and a laptop. He also finds everything he needs on the internet. His daily activity is taking care of his wife and keeping the household running. This consists of helping with the meals and give medication to Trijntje. Furthermore, he likes to read and puzzle in a puzzle book. He borrows the books from the library and gets the puzzle books from the supermarket. He also has a motorbike, which he sometimes rides when the weather is nice and Trijntje is taking her afternoon nap. Geert still has a driving licence and a car. This car also fits a wheelchair so Geert and Trijntje can still go out together. However, this only happens a few times a year.

Trijntje is 82 years old and in need of help. She has Kahler's disease. This was diagnosed about 7 years ago and since then her health is slowly deteriorating. Trijntje can no longer walk. She can still stand on her legs when getting in and out of bed, but is also dependent on the (electric) wheelchair, which she cannot operate herself. She also needs help with going to the toilet, physical care and getting in and out of bed. For this she is dependent on the caregivers, whom she can call with a personal alarm. Trijntje often feels cold. She can still eat by herself with a little help from her husband. She spends most of the day doing puzzles, reading newspapers and watching TV.

Geert and Trijntje receive weekly visits from the children. They have two sons. Trijntje really thrives on the visit of one of her children. A few times a year they see other family members, ranging from grandchildren to brothers or Geert's sister.

Since 2018, they have lived in a care flat of the care combination Noorderboog in Steenwijk. Here the care for Trijntje is arranged. Furthermore, the care combination takes care of the food of Geert and Trijntje.

The care flat has recently been completely renovated, the kitchen and the bathroom have been adjusted. Furthermore, everything has been painted, fitted with new PVC flooring and wider (sliding) doors. The kitchen is equipped with a fridge, microwave and induction cooker. In the walk-in closet, there is lighting that goes on and off automatically.