About the project TeamWe

TeamWe = Erasmus+ KA2 project "Team Teaching in Welfare Technology"

The project idea of "TeamWe" is to involve teachers and students from different fields of education (social and health care, IT, electrical/mechanical engineering) in solving real problems related to welfare technology, together, in workplaces in the field of social and health care. The problems are either related to existing welfare technologies or they can be solved with welfare technology not yet used in the workplace. ​

The methodology of design thinking offers tools for problem-solving. From the pedagogical point of view, the teachers involved in the project will gain and use skills in team teaching, problem and phenomenon-based teaching, flipped learning and teaching.​

TeamWe is a Complementary project for Well-Tech (2017-2019) HTTP://WEBBIOPPI.NET/WELLTECH

Our goals are:

To steer teachers towards methods of new teachership​

To cross borders between curricula​

To lower the threshold for utilizing welfare technology​

To strengthen the co-operation with working life