Case 1 How does a house become a home?

Slides case 1 .pptx

The structure for Hackathon

Wednesday 9.30 – 10.45

The context of the case …

Give an answer to the questions below:

  1. What is the difference between Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia?

  2. What is Parkinson?

  3. How will Alzheimer, vascular dementia and Parkinson develop in future? What does this mean for self-reliance?

  4. Do you know people with dementia or Parkinson? Share your experiences.

  5. Ms Reumer loves making cards, she can't do that now? How would that be? Can you think of anything that would allow her to do this?

  6. The motorbike is important to Mr Reumer. How can he 'take this with him' to HBS?

  7. The Knol family goes out in small scooters. What types of mobility scooters are there? Take a look on the Internet.

  8. Why are people excited about HBS Kampen?

  9. Why not?

  10. Family Knol has a son with disabilities. What will this be like for them when they get older themselves? They may not be able to care for him as well?

  11. Ms Reumer fears she will lose everything. Everything in the house. Because you get a small room. How can you still give memories / stuff one place in a small room?

  12. Watch the video ... What would they want when they move to HBS Kampen?

  13. What is a person able to do or can’t anymore?

  14. What is important to people?

  15. What is required to live independently?

  16. How to delay professional care as long as possible? What professional care is needed in future?

  17. Walking is difficult for Ms Reumer. What are her expectations for the future?

  18. Why can living in the HBS camps make life easier for Ms Knol?

  19. What does their future flat in the HBS Kampen look like?

  20. How does a home become a home?

Wednesday 10.45 – 11.15

Thinking of …

  • What is your focus in this case?

  • Where will you work on?

  • Look at websites (see your information booklet) to get ideas of solutions

  • Think about how you want to present it?

Wednesday 11.15 – 11.45

Thinking of …

  • Questions you want to ask on Thursday

Thursday 9.30 – 10.00

Talking with an experts

Ask our questions to get more information about the case

Thursday 10.00 – 10.15

Get ready!

Set up tables, chairs, etc.

Thursday 10.15 – 11.15

Come up with as many solutions as possible

1. Everyone thinks about the solutions individually.

2. You tell each other the solutions.

3. You start categorizing the solutions

Thursday 11.15 – 11.45

Choose the solutions you want to move forward with

1. Choose which solutions you want to proceed with.

2. Write down the arguments why you choose this. Why are these the right solutions?

Thursday 11.45 – 12.00

Evaluate how things are going and see what could be better in the afternoon

Thursday 12.00 – 13.00


Thursday 13.00 – 14.00

Choose the solutions you want to move forward with

Elaborate on your solution (what does it look like, drawings, photos, images, ........... ) Choose which solutions you want to proceed with.

Thursday 14.00 – 15.00

Prepare/create your Pitch of 5 minutes

Sway, Adobe Express, …..

Thursday 15.00 – 15.15

Practice your pitch

Thursday 15.15 – 15.45


Thursday 15.45 - 16.30

Presentations for staff of IJsselheem

And how it turned out. The presentation of the students.